HandbuchEibPC_USA-30.odt, 2017-05-11, Version
324 of 349
Closes access of an user
Routing (Option NP)
Converting of a telegram an decoding its information
readrawknx(control field, phyAddress, targetAddress,
IsGroubAddress, routingCounter, bitLength, userData)
Converting of a telegram an decoding its information
Converting a number to a group address
Returning the internal image of a group address
Converting a group address to its corresponding unsigned 16-Bit Value
Webserver elements configuration
$DESIGNSTRING$ can be $black$ or $blue$.
The design command can configure each site differently
ID: Value between 1 and 100 as an site index for programming and the access to local site elements (first letter 'p').
Group: Assignment of the page to a group.
Name: A static labeling text (first line).
header(Number) $www.link$
If number assumes the value 0, header is hidden. You can also access u08 variables of the section [EibPC].
The link (incl. path and leading http://) is optional.
The URL can access an extern resource. In this case the number must be set to 2.
The header is configurable, but then equal for each site.
footer(Number) $WWW-Link$
If number assumes the value 0, footer is hidden. You can also access u08 variables of the section [EibPC].
The link (incl. path and leading http://) is optional.
The URL can access an extern resource. In this case the number must be set to 2.
The footer is configurable, but then equal for each site.
Line $Text$
The element inserts a divider between two lines.
An empty element of single width is inserted into the web server.
button(ID)[Image] $Text$
ID: Value between 0 and 59 as an index for programming and the access to this element. You can also access variables of the
section [EibPC].
Image: A value between 0 and 99.
Text: A static labeling text (first line).
pbutton(ID)[Image] $Text$
ID: Value between 0 and 59 as an index for programming and the access to this element. You can also access variables of the
section [EibPC].
Image: A value between 0 and 99.
Text: A static labeling text (first line).