Phase 2 – Incline Adjust
In the second Phase, the user’s heart rate will again be monitored continuously and at 30 second intervals counting
down from 3:00 (min.), if the Threshold Heart Rate (approx. 65 % Target Heart Rate) is still not met, the incline of the
treadmill will be raised at one level at a time. The treadmill will continue to rise during this Phase up to the maximum
of Level 5. If the Threshold Heart Rate is met in this Phase, then the program skips Phases 2 and 3 below and begins
The incline level will not change when the program cannot detect the heart rate.
Phase 3 – Extended Monitoring
In the third Phase, there is no further change to Incline or Speed, and the user’s heart rate in monitored continuously
couting down from 3:00 (min.) at fixed Speed and Incline setting. If during this period the Threshold Heart Rate
(approx. 65 % Target Heart Rate) is not met then the display will give an indication that the Heart RATE CONTROL Pro-
gram has failed (shows the word FAIL at the top of the display) and after blinking 10 seconds will return to the POWER
ON MODE. If during the extended monitoring period of 3 minutes the Threshold Heart Rate is achieved the program
will switch over to HEART RATE CONTROL MODE as described in the next section.
After the actual pulse rate reaches the minimum target workout heart rate and completes the warm up program, the
computer will go into the main program and the time will count down from the pre-set time. During the main pro-
gram, if the actual pulse rate cannot reach the maximum target workout heart rate, the incline level will be increased
by 1 % every 15 seconds until the pulse rate reaches the maximum target workout heart rate or the incline level
will increase by 15 %. After the incline level increases to 15 % but still does not reach the maximum target workout
heart rate the speed will be increase by 1.0 km/h every 15 seconds until the pulse rate reaches the maximum target
workout heart rate. If the actual pulse is higher than the maximum target workout heart rate, then the incline will be
reduced 1% every 15 seconds until the actual heart rate meets the maximum target workout heart rate or the incline
level will lower to 0%. Then the speed will be reduced by 1.0 km/h every 15 seconds until the actual pulse meets the
maximum target workout heart rate.
– After completing the HEART RATE CONTROL program and the time counts down to zero start the
one-minute cool down program. The incline will return to 0% and the speed will lower to 3.2 km/h as the time counts
down from 1:00.
The program can allow 3 custom programs to be set by users and store the settings for repeated workouts. The max-
imum workout time of each user program is 60 minutes. During the workout after the TIME counts up to 60:00, the
treadmill will start a one-minute cool down procedure automatically. To set and store the user programs, please follow
the procedure below:
Select between C1 to C3 and press the STOP/ENTER button to enter the user program then press the START button.
Speed starts at 3.2 km/h and the incline level starts at level 0. Each section of SPEED/INCLINE is one minute. Press the
SPEED UP/DOWN buttons to change the speed and press the INCLINE UP/DOWN buttons to change the incline dur-
ing the workout. The computer will take the actual speed and incline level at the last second of each minute section
and temporary save as the speed and incline level of that minute section. Continue the workout until you want to