Commissioning Instructions for PTB gas approval Proline Promass 84
Operation subject to legal metrological control ("Custody
Configuring the measuring device for operation subject
to legal metrological control
Precondition: The device is operational and
in custody transfer mode.
Configuration of those functions which are important for custody transfer measurement, such as
output configuration, custody transfer variable and measuring mode.
A detailed description of the functions can be found in the manual entitled "Description of Device
Functions" BA00110D Promass 84 HART or BA00130D Promass 84 Modbus RS485.
• In the CUSTODY TRANSFER (Z) block:
In the functions Z001 to Z008, the outputs relevant to custody transfer measurement can be set
to custody transfer and the current custody transfer displayed.
• In the OUTPUTS (E) block:
The custody transfer variables can be assigned to the existing outputs.
• In the "INPUTS" (F) block:
A switching behavior is assigned to the input.