Use only VCC_IO voltages compliant with the equipped MPSoC device; any other voltages may dam-
age the equipped MPSoC device, as well as other devices on the XU1 SoC module.
Do not leave a VCC_IO pin floating, as this may damage the equipped MPSoC device, as well as other
devices on the XU1 SoC module.
Do not power the VCC_IO pins when PWR_GOOD and PWR_EN signals are not active. If the module
is not powered, you need to make sure that the VCC_IO voltages are disabled (for example, by using a
switch on the base board, which uses PWR_GOOD as enable signal). Figure 13 illustrates the VCC_IO
power requirements.
Figure 13: Power-Up Sequence - VCC_IO in Relation with PWR_GOOD and PWR_EN Signals
Signal Terminations
Differential Inputs
Internal differential termination is not supported for the HD pins (banks 47, 48). All differential signal pairs
from both HD banks may optionally be equipped with 100
differential termination resistors on the module.
The resistor identifiers for each differential input pair can be retrieved from the XU1 SoC Module
User Schematics [6].
Single-Ended Outputs
There are no series termination resistors on the XU1 SoC module for single-ended outputs. If
required, series termination resistors may be equipped on the base board (close to the module pins).
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Version 13, 15.08.2019