Addendum to User’s Manual
EDI-53 Series Digital Indicator
| 3
Decimal point ‘DP’
– This value should be kept at the required number of decimal places.
For example, to display 50 mm as 50.00 mm the value of ‘DP’ should be 2.
ADC Check (or recalibration) – Key press ‘3’
The following procedure should be used to check or recalibrate the EDI-53P-C indicator.
Connect a resistor with a value between 1k ohms to 10 k ohms between the Red/Red and Black/Black
signal leads.
Connect the Red/Yellow lead to the Black/Black lead end of the resistor. The indicator display should
show 0.0000 volts.
Connect the Red/Yellow lead to the Red/Red lead end of the resistor. The indicator display should
show 1.0000 volts.