+34 96 556 00 18 [email protected]
Avenida de Ibi 44
P.O. 182-03420 | Castalla (Alicante), España
P a g e
The applicat ions for our w ind turbines are mult iple and include diff erent t ypes of
inst allat ions, f or isolat ed pow er grid inst allat ions as w ell as for inst allat ions connect ed to
t he net w ork and through energy-producing facilit ies.
Here are some t ypical installat ions for diff erent uses:
2.2 Applications
For w ireless t elecommunicat ions should be placed
t ransmission ant ennas in remot e locat ions t hat are
capable of t ransmit t ing t he signals over long
dist ances, on t hese occasions rarely elect ricit y
reaches t hese places, isolat ed energy syst ems are
t he guarant ee for opt imal operat ion of the stat ion.
For f acilit ies of f arms and greenhouses, t he best
solut ions are Smart Grid net w orks t hat combine
renew able energy, accumulat ion support net w ork
solut ion
Self -
Consumpt ion
There are many houses and rural hot els w here
access t o convent ional elect ricit y grid is impossible
or economically unviable. In these cases, isolated
syst ems are t he solut ion t o cover t he ow n needs.
When there is access t o t he elect ricit y grid t he
solut ion is t he installat ion of self -consumpt ion.
Farms, small industries, greenhouses, etc.
Houses, Country Hotels,
Summary of Contents for E30 PRO
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