+34 96 556 00 18 [email protected]
Avenida de Ibi 44
P.O. 182-03420 | Castalla (Alicante), España
P a g e
9. How long does a wind turbine work?
Our w ind t urbines are designed t o last more t han 20 years. This is due t o it s robust
design, qualit y of mat erials, t he anti-corrosion t reatment s and a complet ely sealed
design that prevent s moist ure and ot her part icles f rom entering t he syst em and the
inabilit y of the birds nest ing in them during w indless periods.
All t his means t hat our design does not det eriorat e even in aggressive
environment s like near the sea, w here saline air and the sand part icles usually
cause corrosion and erosion.
Can I have my own wind turbine?
Small w ind t urbines are the perfect choice for individuals, communit ies and small
businesses t hat w ant t o generate t heir ow n energy. The chosen charact erist ics of
t he locat ion (average w ind speed, locat ion and t opography) determine the size and
t ype of w ind t urbine used in each case
11. How do I know if I have enough wind?
The w ind speed is inf luenced by t he local topography and nearby obst acles such as
t rees and buildings. Wind direct ion somet imes can be very variable w it h risk of
being af f ect ed by t urbulence due to t he nearby obst acles. So w hen in doubt , it is
best to cont act prof essionals engaged in t he inst allat ion of small w ind t urbines.
Normally, w it h an average of 5 m / s it is w ort hw hile installing a small w ind
t urbine.
Our t echnical depart ment w ill inf orm you about t he average speed at your
part icular locat ion. In order t o do t his, please f ill in t he contact f orm on:
12. How does a wind turbine produce electricity?
Roughly a w ind t urbine w orks as f ollow s: t he blades take advant age of w ind
energy to generate a t orque on the generat or. This, depending on the speed and
t he f orce exert ed by t he blades and it s axis, generat e elect ricit y, w hich w ill reach
t he cont roller and t he invert er. These elect ronic component s convert elect ricit y
cont inuously f or w hatever purpose it s needed like charging bat teries, direct
consumpt ion or f eeding elect ricit y to the grid.
How tall is a small wind turbine?
The tow er height can vary considerably, depending on the t ype of turbine and t he
locat ion. Generally, the t ow er of small w ind t urbines ranges f rom 10 t o 20m. The
higher the t ow er, t he more const ant and fast er are t he w inds.
Furt hermore, t o det ermine the t ot al height of the syst em, one must t ake int o
account the diameter of the blades, w hich t ypically ranges bet w een 1.5 and 10m.
Summary of Contents for E30 PRO
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