+34 96 556 00 18 [email protected]
Avenida de Ibi 44
P.O. 182-03420 | Castalla (Alicante), España
P a g e
Areas where there is a clear direction of the prevailing wind:
In t he environment of an obst acle an area of turbulence is produced.
Dimensions of turbulence area are def ined by the height of t he object .
The Locat ion is def ined by t he direct ion of t he prevailing w ind
The dimensions of t he area of t urbulence in t he dow nw ind area (over 10H), are
condit ioned by t he w idt h of the object (A):
If A <3H → Size of area downwind 20H
If A≤3H → Size of area downwind 10H (most common situation)
Prevailing winds:
It is import ant t o know f rom w here t he most f requent and st rongest w inds come f rom, in
regarding of the area w here you w ant to inst all ENAIR 3 0. To t he ext ent possible, t his
direct ion must be f ree of obst ruct ions. In order to know t his, data is gat hered w ith an
anemomet er and a w ind vane to measure the direct ion and w ind speed over a period of
t ime. The out come of the measurement s is called " w ind rose" . An example of t he
af orement ioned w ind rose is show n below , the right show s t he w ind sit uat ion in summer
and the lef t in w int er. As can be seen, they are complet ely dif ferent , so a det ailed st udy of
t he demand f or elect ricit y in bot h seasons w ill be very usef ul.
Summary of Contents for E30 PRO
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