+34 96 556 00 18 [email protected]
Avenida de Ibi 44
P.O. 182-03420 | Castalla (Alicante), España
P a g e
1. What is the right size for my installation?
The f ollow ing table show s a guide to w hich w ind turbine chosen depending on t he
w ind and elect ricit y consumpt ion. For ref erence, a normal household consumes
about 4000kWh annually, w hile a large consumer can be about 6000 or
For Wind Turbine model suit able for inst allat ion have t he eCon application of
calculat ion and design of f acilit ies in 4 st eps t hat w ill recommend the most
appropriate model f or you.
w w w
2. Why install a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine and 3 blades instead of other designs?
Horizont al 3-blade w ind t urbines of f er t he highest eff iciency based on their design
and t he Bet z Law , w hich def ines the maximum t heoret ical conversion f act or
bet w een t he energy carried by t he w ind to pow er absorbed by t he turbine blades.
This conversion fact or is the pow er coef f icient Cp Wind Turbine, and it s maximum
value is Cp = 0.59, precisely by the Law of Bet z.
Each t ype of w ind turbine design, w het her 2 -blade or mult iblade vert ical axis have
dif f erent coeff icient s limit ed by t he design of the w ind t urbine it self . In the
f ollow ing table you can see t hese coef f icient s.
As show n in t he chart , the best design according t o physical law s is t he 3 -blade
model horizont al w ind turbine. This is t he most common and w idespread design
w orldw ide.
7. Frequently Asked Questions
Summary of Contents for E30 PRO
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