+34 96 556 00 18 [email protected]
Avenida de Ibi 44
P.O. 182-03420 | Castalla (Alicante), España
P a g e
3. How much space do I need?
In t heory, a w ind t urbine w orks bett er w hen less obst acles are in the pat h of t he
w ind, but w it h a suff icient dist ance f rom t he obst acles, t he ef fect can be
A w ind turbine should be place at a horizont al dist ance of at least t w ice the height
of the closest obst acles and at least 10m higher t han the closest obstacles. For
further explanations, please consult the chapter “ Installation” .
4. Are
turbines noisy?
The ENAIR w ind t urbines are designed t o be silent as it s rat ed speed is betw een
200 and 250rpm depending on t he model. Considering the height at w hich t hey
are, t hey w ill be virtually unnot iceable by someone w ho is st anding at it s base.
Having a 33% low er rpm t han ot her exist ing w ind t urbines, it makes t he longevity
3 t imes higher t han the high-revving models.
5. Birds affect small wind turbines?
It is unlikely t hat a bird impact s t he blades of a small w ind t urbine as ENAIR,
rot at ing at low speed (betw een 200 and 250 rpm depending on the model) and not
locat ed at t he height t o w hich migratory birds make their long journeys, w hich
makes it even more unlikely.
6. Can I use a wind generator for my heating system?
Yes, you can use a w ind t urbine t o heat w ater. Simply connect the cont roller
output to an elect ric heater. What you should consider is t hat normally t he heat ing
energy consumpt ion is considerably higher than elect ricit y, so you w ill need to
have larger equipment .
7. Can I connect my equipment to the network?
Small w ind t urbines themselves can be connected to t he dist ribut ion net w ork. This
requires using a compatible invert er w it h the netw ork and that the inst allat ion is
approved by the local ut ilit y company, w hich require compliance w it h the standard s
and regulat ion w it h w hich a connect ion to the grid can be built .
Each model of our turbines has been t est ed for t his purpose in period of one year,
w it h a very good result.
8. The tower swings, is normal?
When t he t ow ers are not provided by Enair could sw ing due t o the coupling
bet w een resonance f requencies. Because of the w ind t urbine is a dynamic syst em
w hen the natural f requencies of t he t ow er couple w it h t he rotat ional f requencies of
t he w ind t urbine t hen the t ow er begin t o sw ing and it depends on t he t ow er t ype,
t he w ind turbine... if t he oscillat ions are bigger t han t he 2% of t he tow er height
and t hey don' t dissapear cont act Enair
Summary of Contents for E30 PRO
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