EMOS spol. s r. o.
Wireless doorbell, type 6898-105
The wireless digital doorbell set consists of the bell pushbutton (TX) and the bell unit (RX). The bell unit should be placed indoor or it
can be used as a portable pager. The transmission between the pushbutton and the bell unit is based on radio waves on frequency
433,92MHz. Transmission range is up to 100m in open area, depending on the conditions.
Please read the following user manual carefully.
Technical specification
• Transmission range:
up to 100 m in open area
• Automatic coding of transmission frequency – Wireless doorbell uses automatic coding, which is set during manufacturing of
the doorbell. It isn’t possible to pair spare pushbutton.
• Number of melodies:
• Adjustable volume:
3 levels
• Three different operating modes: only ringing; only light signaling; both ringing and optical signaling
• Waterproof pushbutton:
with IP44 coverage
• Power of pushbutton:
1x 12V battery (type A23)
• Power of bell unit:
3x 1,5V batteries (type AA)
Getting started
1. Open the battery compartment on the back side of the bell unit. Insert 3 pcs of 1,5V batteries, type AA, according to the polarity
indicated on the bottom of the compartment. Close the battery compartment.
2. Remove the back casing of the pushbutton through the hole in the side of the casing with a screwdriver. Insert 1 pc of 12V
battery, type 23A according to the polarity indicated. Reassemble the pushbutton casing.
3. Press the button, signaling LED on the pushbutton indicates that radio signal was transmitted. Bell unit sounds chosen melody.
4. The doorbell has an operating range up to 100m but it can be affected by local conditions, for example the number of walls the
signal has to pass through, metal doorframes and structures and other factors that interfere with radio signals. The operating
range can decrease rapidly.
5. The bell unit should be placed indoor or it can be used as a portable pager.
Setting of bell unit
1. The button for choosing of ringing melody is placed on the front side of the bell unit near the cover of optical signalization. Choose
desired melody by pressing this button – melody which has just sounded is set.
2. There are two slide switches located on the lateral side of the bell unit.
- first one is used for setting of ringing volume (3 levels)
- second switch is used for working mode setting:
a) only optical signaling (intensive blinking)
b) ringing and optical signaling together
c) only ringing
Pushbutton installation
1. Before you start mounting, make sure that the doorbell works properly on the place you have chosen.
2. Remove the back casing of the pushbutton through the hole in the side of the casing with a screwdriver.
3. Place this back casing outside your home. Use double side sticker or screws to fix it on the wall. Although the pushbutton is
waterproof, it is better to place it under the shelter.
4. Reassemble the pushbutton casing.
5. Press the button, signaling LED on the pushbutton indicates that radio signal was transmitted. Bell unit sounds chosen melody.
6. If the signaling LED does not light, battery is flat, please replace it. Battery usually last for one year but it may differ according
to conditions.
Note: The pushbutton unit can be placed on wooden or brick walls, however, do not place it on metal surfaces or surfaces containing
metal. It might affect the correct function of the unit.
Problem solving
The chime does not work:
• It can be out of specified range.
- Amend the distance between both units of the set. Communication can be influenced by some interfering objects.
• Flat battery in the pushbutton.
- Replace the battery according to the polarity indicated.
• Flat batteries in the bell unit
- Replace the batteries according to the polarity indicated.
a) b)
Rezolvarea problemelor
Soneria nu sună:
• Soneria poate fi în afara razei de acţiune prevăzute.
- Modificaţi distanţa dintre butonul soneriei şi soneria de casă, raza poate fi influenţată de condiţiile locale.
• În butonul soneriei (emiţător) poate fi descărcată bateria.
- Înlocuiţi bateria, respectaţi polaritatea corectă a bateriei introduse.
• În soneria de casă (receptor) pot fi descărcate bateriile.
- Înlocuiţi bateriile, respectaţi polaritatea corectă a bateriilor introduse.
Grija şi întreţinerea
Soneria digitală de casă este un aparat electric sensibil, respectaţi, de aceea, următoarele măsuri:
• Soneria de casă (receptorul) este destinată amplasării permanente în încăperi sau se poate utiliza ca „pager“ mobil.
• Controlaţi din când în când funcţionarea soneriei şi înlocuiţi din timp bateriile. Folosiţi doar baterii alcaline de calitate cu parametri
• Dacă nu folosiţi soneria timp îndelungat, scoateţi bateriile din buton şi sonerie.
• Nu expuneţi butonul şi soneria la zguduituri şi lovituri excesive.
• Nu expuneţi butonul şi soneria la temperatură excesivă, la lumina solară directă sau umiditate.
• Pentru curăţare folosiţi cârpă fină uşor umezită cu puţin detergent, nu folosiţi mijloace agresive sau diluanţi.
• Bateriile uzate le predaţi la baza de recepţie a acestor deşeuri sau la magazinul în care le-aţi cumpărat.
• După încetarea fiabilităţii predaţi setul la magazinul unde veţi procura altul nou sau la locul destinat (baza de recepţie etc.).
Emos soc. cu r.l. declară, că 6898-105 este în conformitate cu cerinţele de bază şi alte prevederi corespunzătoare ale directivei
1999/5/ES. Aparatul poate fi utilizat liber în UE. Declaraţia de conformitate este parte integrantă a instrucţiunilor sau se poate
găsi pe paginile web www.emos.eu
Aparatul poate fi utilizat pe baza autorizaţiei generale.