October 2016
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4808, Rev DA
Do not rotate the housing more than 180 degrees. Over-rotation will sever the electrical connection between the sensor
module and the electronics module.
c. Retighten the housing rotation set screw.
7. Decide which direction to orient the meter. Insert the long meter screws into the two holes on the meter assembly that coincide
with the holes on the electronics module. The meter can be installed in 90-degree increments for easy viewing. Position one of the
four connectors on the back of the meter assembly to accept the interconnection header.
8. Attach the meter assembly to the electronics module by threading the screws into the captive threads and attaching the meter
assembly to the interconnection pins. Tighten the screws to secure the meter assembly and electronics board in place.
9. Attach and tighten the extended cover. Transmitter covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion proof requirements and to
achieve the proper environmental seal.
Note the following LCD display temperature limits:
Operating: 0 to 175 °F (–20 to 80 °C)
Storage: 0 to 185 °F (–40 to 85 °C)
Electronics are able to verify alarm current levels. An alarm level test is recommended before returning the transmitter to
service (see
“Alarm level verification” on page 4
Figure B-2. Rosemount 3051N with Optional LCD Display Meter
B.3.3 Diagnostic messages
In addition to the output, the LCD display meter displays abbreviated operation, error, and warning messages for troubleshooting the
transmitter. Messages appear according to their priority, with normal operating messages appearing last. To determine the cause of a
message, use a HART Communicator to further interrogate the transmitter. A description of each LCD display diagnostic message follows.
Error messages appear on the LCD display meter display to inform you of serious problems effecting the operation of the transmitter. The
meter displays an error message until the error condition is corrected, and the analog output is driven to the specified alarm level. No
other transmitter information is displayed during an alarm condition.
The transmitter CPU board and the sensor module are incompatible. If this message is encountered, contact Rosemount Nuclear
Instruments, Inc. at (952) 949-5210 for assistance.