Instruction Manual
D3 Valve with easy-Drive Actuator
October 2017
This is a pair of registers that hold a 32 bit number that can be used to hold a unique serial
number. The register needs to be read using a single read Modbus function
transaction command to ensure coherency of the data in the two registers.
A.3.17 40025 Analog I/P value [Read Only]
40025, Address 0x0018 (24).
Function code:
0x03 – Read Holding registers.
This is a register that holds a 16 bit scaled representation of the analog input. It is scaled
according to input i.e. 0-200 for 0-20.0mA and 0-50 for 1-5 V.
A.3.18 40026 Firmware Project Code [Read Only]
40026, Address 0x0019 (25).
Function code:
0x03 – Read Holding registers.
This is a register that holds the SRD project code (SRD422) – 422. This is the code used in
version control of SRD documents and source code.
A.3.19 40027 Firmware Document Reference [Read Only]
40027, Address 0x001A (26).
Function code:
0x03 – Read Holding registers.
This is a register that holds the SRD document code (SRD422-5007) – 5007. This code along
with the project code is used in version control of SRD documents and source code.
A.3.20 40028 Firmware Version [Read Only]
40028, Address 0x001B (27).
Function code:
0x03 – Read Holding registers.
This is a register that holds the hex encoded equivalent of a four digit decimal version number
of the firmware, the high order 8bits encode the whole number of the version and the low
order 8 bits the fraction, e.g. v1.16 would be encoded 0x0110, v2.66 would be 0x0242.
Together with the data from registers 40026- 40028 it is possible to determine the unique
identity of the code being run in the processor.
A.3.21 40029 Diagnostic Flags [Read Only]
40029, Address 0x001C (28).
Function code:
0x03 – Read Holding registers.
This is a set of 16 bit flags that show the accumulation of fault flags that have occurred – as
faults are self resetting. The register is stored in non-volatile memory. The mapping is the same
as the diagnostic register at 40012. See table 5 - Fault Register for guide to values.
A.3.22 40030-40031 Reserved [Read Only]
40030-40031, Address 0x001D-0x001E (29-30).
Function code:
0x03 – Read Holding registers.
Not used – reads will return a value of 0.