RELEASED: 10/2/2006
Page 16
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Copyright © 2006 EMCEE Communications. All rights reserved.
This copyright notice should not be construed as evidence of publication.
Spare and Replacement Modules and Components – The Spare Modules and
Components section of this manual provides a listing of the modules and some
discrete components contained within the transmitter. This list contains those
modules or components considered to be essential bench-stock items and should
be available to the maintenance technician at all times. The Schematic and/or
Interconnection Diagram is the governing document of this manual. Should there be
a discrepancy between a modules or components list and a diagram, the diagram
takes precedence. Such a discrepancy is possible since manufacturing changes
cannot always be incorporated immediately into the instruction manual.
Component Referencing – The transmitter consists of an up-converter drawer (A1)
as well as a number of modules and components mounted in the cabinet.
Components mounted in a module take the drawer number and the module number
in addition to a component number. Thus the reference designator A1A1Q1 means
transistor Q1 in module A1 of drawer A1. Components mounted in a drawer take
only the drawer number and a component number (e.g., A1M1 designates meter M1
of drawer A1). Components mounted directly to the cabinet take only a component
For EMERGENCY technical assistance, EMCEE offers a
customer service hot line: 1 (570) 261-0004.
Note: EMCEE reserves the right to change or modify the design of this
transmitter without prior notice!