RELEASED: 10/2/2006
Page 37
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which exhibits a 0.25dB loss. The gain of the circuits between CP1 and CP2 is a
nominal 9dB. The isolated output (J3) of coupler CP2 is loaded with an external 50
ohm load, and the output side of the coupler connects to the RF output of the up-
converter drawer through J4.
The network of diodes CR1-CR4 forms an OR gate detector which drives the fault
monitor circuit around U2. If one of the amplifier circuits fails to draw sufficient
current so that the voltage at pin 7 of comparator U2 exceeds the reference voltage
of 10.6 volts on pin 6, the U2 output on pin 1 will go high, triggering the fault monitor
circuit on the control board.
The voltage regulator U3 provides a stable -5 volts for gate bias circuits of Q1, Q2,
and Q3
3.9 Remote Control/Status Board:
Schematic Diagram, Available Q2, 2007
The optional Control/Status board provides various monitoring and control
functions for the transmitter while displaying the results using a graphical display on
a remote computer connected via the remote interface. The Remote Control/Status
is field installable and can be ordered as an upgrade kit from the factory.
3.10 Up-Converter Power Supply:
P/N REL150-2004Ch-CO, OEM
No Schematic Diagram, D1PS1
The Up-Converter contains a high-efficiency switching power supply module that
provides one +12V/7.5A output and one -12V/5A output. The -12V output is used to
provide -12V bias for the power amplifier modules. The +12V output is routed to
various modules in the transmitter.
The input voltage range of the power supply system is 85 to 264 VAC. The
allowable input frequency range is 47 to 63 Hz. The maximum peak inrush current
to the module is 40A. The power supply module has a typical efficiency of 82% with
a power factor of 0.95 (Full Power, 230V), and is rated at 150 watts output power.
There is no field service information available for the power supply modules. If a
module fails, remove it from the transmitter and return it to the EMCEE factory for
repair or replacement.