Main operation:
all the dip-switches OFF
Main Operation
In main operation the electronic card switches on the monitor
each time a video call is made from a speech unit to a device
in the 2-wire system whose ID corresponds to one of the four
IDs programmed on the circuit board.
Secondary operation
(see example 2)
In secondary operation, the circuit board associates the moni-
tor with a device of the 2-wire bus that is programmed with a
secondary ID that belongs to a call group. It is therefore
necessary to program ID1 of the circuit board with the main ID
of the device and ID2 of the circuit board with the main ID of
the group master. If the device associated with the circuit
board is in the same group as a second call corresponding to
a second group master, the ID of the latter group master must
be programmed on ID3 of the circuit board. If the device asso-
ciated with the circuit board is in the same group as a third
call corresponding to a third group master, the ID of the latter
group master must be programmed on ID4 of the circuit
board. If the device associated with the circuit board is in the
same group as a fourth group master, it is necessary to go
into the GROUP operating mode.
Group operation
In group operation the circuit board switches on the monitor
each time a video call is made from a speech unit to a device
in the 2-wire system whose ID corresponds to one of the four
IDs programmed on the circuit board. If answering from one
of the four IDs programmed on the circuit board the monitor
will switch off. If answering from a different ID to the four IDs
programmed on the circuit board the monitor will stay on.
Secondary operation:
only dip-switch 1 goes onto ON
Group operation:
Dip-switches 1 and 2 ON
Example 1
(main operation)
2-wire system with a single universal interface 3532, with 4
phones 3562 and 4 monitors 6009 all under a single telepho-
ne switchboard. From the entrance panel with 4 call buttons
you want each button with its own address to call a phone
associated with the corresponding monitor.
Program 3532 as follows:
*#1234# 71 1 # 61 1 # 01 no. phone # 72 2 # 62 2 #02 no.
phone # 73 3 # 63 3 #03 no. phone # 74 4# 64 4 # 04 no.
phone #**
Program the circuit board of 6145/2T or 6142/2T connecting
the phone to the single monitor as follows:
1- Set dip-switch 3 of the circuit board to “ON”
2- Send the call from the entrance panel by pressing the
button with the corresponding ID, the LED on the card must
blink quickly, signalling that the programming has been
received. The monitor must switch on for a moment and
then switch off.
3- Move dip-switch 3 back onto “OFF”.
Programming must be performed by taking into consideration
one phone with its corresponding monitor at a time.
Example 2
(secondary operation)
2-wire system with a single universal interface 3532, 1 phone
3562 associated with 6009 and one 1 monitor 6309 with ID=3.
From the entrance panel you want a call to ring both the
monitor 6309 and the phone associated with the monitor
Program 3532 as follows:
*# 1234 # 71 7# 61 3 # 01 “no. phone ” #**
Program the circuit board of 6145/2T or 6142/2T as follows:
1- Set dip-switch 3 of the circuit board to “ON” and dip-
switches 1 and 2 to OFF.
2- Send a lock command from the interface 3532:
- call the telephone interface from a phone and wait for the
- key in buttons *1
- hang up the phone
The LED on the circuit board must blink quickly, signalling
that the programming has been received. The monitor
must switch on for a moment and then switch off.
3- Set dip-switches 1 and 3 to ON and dip-switch 2 to OFF
(to program ID2).
4- Make a call from the speech unit to the monitor 6309
(ID=3). The LED on the circuit board must blink quickly,
signalling that the programming has been received. The
monitor must switch on for a moment and then switch off.
5- Put dip-switch 1 back onto ON and dip-switches 2-3
onto OFF (secondary operation).