SBC session border controllers
Network services
This submenu configures the time synchronization service.
— protocol designed for synchronization of real-time clock of the device. Allows synchronising date and
time used by the gateway against their reference values.
Network services –> NTP
Enable —
enable NTP client;
Time server (NTP) —
time server from which the device will synchronize the date and time;
— timezone and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) offset configuration:
Manual mode
— define GMT offset;
Automatic mode
— in this mode, you may select the device location, GMT offset will be defined
automatically, also this mode enables automatic daylight saving change;
Synchronization period (min)
— time synchronization request transmission period.
buttons are used to save and discard changes.
To perform forced time
synchronization with the server, click
«Restart NTP client»
button (NTP client will be restarted).
— Simple network management protocol. It allows the device to send real-time messages on occurred
failures to controlling SNMP manager. In addition, device SNMP agent supports monitoring of gateway sensors'
status on request from SNMP manager.
SNMP monitoring functions are able to request the following parameters from the gateway:
Gateway name
Device type
Firmware version
IP address
IP submodule statistics
Linkset state
IP channel state (statistics for the current calls via IP)
Statistics for the current calls performed via IP channels contains the following data:
Channel number
Channel state
Call identifier
Caller MAC address