SBC session border controllers
SIP statistics
The section contains the call statistics accumulated by SBC. If statistics are disabled, they can be switched
on in the section 4.1.1 System settings. On the left is a list of all SIP Transports, SIP Destinations and SIP Users
configured on SBC. On the right is a table showing the statistics counters. To view the statistics, select an entry on
the left and then the table on the right will display the statistics for the entry selected. The total statistics for the
entire SBC can be viewed by selecting the entry "The sum of all transports" in the list of transports. Any list of
elements can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the arrow next to its name.
Monitoring –> SIP statistics
The table on the right shows the following information:
Total calls duration
— the total time of all calls that have passed through the selected item;
Incoming call-legs
— the total and current number of incoming calls;
Outcoming call-legs
— — the total and current number of outcoming calls;
Message received
— how many SIP messages were received by the item (all dialogue messages, both
requests and replies, are counted);
Message send
— how many SIP messages have been sent (all dialogue messages, both requests and
replies, are counted);
Answered calls with successful final
— calls that were ended in a proper way after the call;
Answered calls with error final, usually only by timeout
— calls that ended prematurely with an error
during the call;
404,410,484,485,604 wrong number
— calls that have been answered with information about a wrong or
non-existent number;
486,600 busy
— calls that are answered "busy";
408, 480, 487 no answer
— calls that have not been answered and have been ended by the initiator of the
call or by timeout;