SBC session border controllers
After that, the slave SBC is connected to the master SBC by a local link. At this point, wait until the devices
have detected each other and are operating as a slave-master pair (see Monitoring - Reservation). The scheme at
this stage will look as follows:
Figure 37 — Slave SBC connection scheme
After the slave-master pair has been formed, you can connect global links to the slave device:
Figure 38 — Global links connection scheme
This completes the assembly of the reserve. In monitoring, make sure that both SBC see each other on both
the local and global links.
If there are problems with the master-slave relationship or lack of visibility over the local and global links,
check that all configuration steps have been completed correctly.
Seniority determination
The following algorithm is used to determine which device is MASTER or SLAVE:
If no local links are active when the device is turned on, the device becomes MASTER.
If no local links are active when the device is turned on, the device becomes SLAVE.
If you connect SLAVE to a device that is MASTER during operation, the seniority will not change.
If you connect a MASTER to a device that is a MASTER in the process, the seniority will be determined
based on the serial number, whoever has a larger serial number will become a MASTER.