Parameter setting
Sensors Mini-Sewi KNX TH-L-Pr and Mini-Sewi KNX L-Pr
• Version: 30.08.2018 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
Set the
setpoint value for the brightness in the room
and specify whether, besi-
des the dimming information defined below, a switching object should also be sent.
Specify, whether the light control
is activated by movement and/or by a start/
stop object
. For a regulation by movement, the device's internal motion detector is
Set the object evaluation and the object value prior to the first communication. Define,
for how many seconds the regulation is to continue to run after the end of the mo-
At the end of the regulation, either "nothing" (status remains unchanged), an on or off
command (via the activated switching object) or a dim value can be sent.
Set, at which deviation from the setpoint value a
dim command is to be sent
. Spe-
cify the
dimming increment
and the
repetition cycle
for the dim command.
Define, up to which
response value
the dim actuator sends a brighter or darker com-
mand. On the one hand, this defines the range of use for the lamp, on the other hand,
once the minimum or maximum value has been reached, no unnecessary messages
are sent to the bus.
Setpoint value in Lux
0...60000; 500
Send switching object
No • Yes
Regulation starts on
• movement
• reception of a start/stop-object
• reception of a start/stop-object or
Regulation stops on
• movement
• reception of a start/stop-object
• reception of a start/stop-object or
Object evaluation
• 1 = start | 0 = stop
• 0 = start | 1 = stop
Object value prior to initial communication
0 • 1
Stop delay in seconds after the movement
has ended
0...1800; 120
Reaction to stop
• send nothing
• send off command
• send on command
• send value
Value in %
Send the dim command, if
• the actual value deviates from the set-
point value by more than X%
•the actual value deviates from the setpoint
value by more than X Lux
Target / actual difference in %
(for a deviation in %)
1...100; 20