Technical Manual MSR Universal Stage Controller
Page 9
Control Inputs
The control inputs OK1/OK2 are normally connected to mains
voltage. If this voltage is interrupted, the functions set with P26 and
P27 will be initiated.
0= Control Input is de-activated
1= No voltage at the input (1100: contact open) changes to the
2nd setpoint. The internal time switch is deactivated, that
means the control input has a prior rank.
2= No voltage at the input (1100: contact open) initiates a Peak
Load Limitation. The no. of stages, which remain for control
purposes will be set by P24.
3= No voltage at the input (1100: contact open) starts a Fast
Backrun, all stages will be de-activated in 1 sec. steps.
To prevent from being activated unintended, the
functions of OK1/OK2 are de-activated while
programming parameters P26/P27.
If the same function is selected for both inputs,
then OK 2 has the higher priority.
Voltage Output / Analogue Output
The MSR-Controller owns an analogue output with a 0-10 V DC-
Because this output is scalable, it can be used both to forward an
image of the actual value P01 or as proportional controller output.
P42.... fixes the actual value the analogue output delivers
10V (resp. 0V, if P44=2) DC voltage.
P43.... fixes the actual value the analogue output delivers
0V (resp. 10V, if P44=2) DC voltage.
P44.... switches the analoue output ON or OFF and fixes it if the
voltage should rise (P44=1) or fall (P44=2) if the actual
value rises.
Example for a Actual Value Forwarding:
You want to use a remote display or similar, which shows 0 bar with
0V input and 10 bar with 10V input.
P43 = "0", P42 = "+10", P44 must be "1".
Example for a Proportional Controller:
You want to control a three-way valve. This valve should be half
open at 5.0 bar. If the pressure falls, the valve should open, from
4 bar the valve should be full open. If the pressure rises, the valve
should be narrowed, from 6 bar it should be closed.
P43 ="4.0", P42 ="6.0", P44 ="2"
Using the MSR 1100 this function must be started by
opening an external, potential free switch connected to
terminals 18 and 19. Input OK2 is not available.
! Never connect mains voltage to these terminals !
This external contact must be suitable for 5VDC/1mA.