ELK-M1XEP Installation Manual
Page 25
Forcing the DHCP/IP Address Settings to Known Values:
An M1XEP with bootware version 1.1.0 or later supports an easy method for forcing the M1XEP from a static IP
address to DHCP mode or vice versa. This is accomplished with the use of Jumper JP2 located beside the metal
housing of the RJ45 connector.
1. Power down the M1XEP. Place a shorting jumper across the two pins of JP2. Power the M1XEP back up.
2. After a few seconds, the green LED on the RJ45 connector will blink five times. About 30 seconds later, the
green LED will blink and repeat in a “coded” fashion, indicating either DHCP or STATIC modes. If set for
DHCP mode there will be 1 quick blink. If set for STATIC mode there will be 2 quick blinks. When the M1XEP
is forced to STATIC mode its address will become
3. If the blink indicates the wrong mode, power the unit down and back up to force it to the opposite setting.
4. When the green LED indicates that the M1XEP is at the desired setting, remove the shorting jumper from JP2
and allow the M1XEP to continue booting up. This may take another minute.
Central Station did not receive report
Verify Telephone 1 corresponds with C.S.1, etc
Verify M1XEP Setup
IP Address and Port
Account Number
Line and Receiver
Verify Telephone Setup
Format = 6 (Ethernet M1XEP)
Correct areas are checked
Events that should be reported are checked
Fail to Communicate
Follow troubleshooting steps for "Central Station did not receive
report" shown above
Ethernet Trouble
Verify the M1XEP is connected to the M1 and enrolled.
Follow troubleshooting steps for "Central Station did not receive
report" shown above.
Possible Solutions
M1XEP will not send emails
Verify "From" address is valid
Verify Mail server URL/IP address and Port
If server requires logon, verify the username and password.
Support of username and password requires M1XEP firmware
version 1.2.0 or later.
Verify Primary and Secondary DNS servers are entered
correctly on the TCP/IP tab of the M1 XEP setup
Verify the Rule to send email is written correctly.
Verify that ElkRP is disconnected when the triggering event occurs.
Browser gives error message
Update Java VM. The M1 Virtual Keypad requires Java version
J2SE 1.5.0 or later.
EBoardApp(Unsupported major.minor
version 49.0)"
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