ELK-M1XEP Installation Manual
Page 11
Central Station Internet Monitoring is only supported by M1XEPs with firmware version 1.2.0
or later for the OH2000E receiver and firmware version 1.3.20 or later for the SurGard receiver.
Internet Monitoring requires support from the Central Station. Special hardware and software is
required to allow the Central Station to receive alarm codes via the Internet. If you are unsure if
Internet Monitoring is supported or need further information, please contact the Central Station.
After setting up the telephone account, click on the "M1XEP Setup" button. Select the Central Station tab. The
receiver type, account number, IP address or URL, and IP port number for the Central Station are entered here.
This information is obtained from the Central Station. Note that the IP Port is the port number the receiver listens
on, not the port number the M1XEP sends on.
When using alarm over Internet monitoring, only one account number is required regardless of
the areas check marked on the corresponding telephone account setup page. The reports sent
to the Central Station will include the area ID that the alarm, trouble, or event came from.
Information specific to OH2000E receivers:
The Account Number must be a decimal value (not hexadecimal)
between 0001 and 9999. Line and Receiver numbers may also be entered on this screen. This information is
obtained from the Central Station. Line and Receiver numbers help the Central Station identify the account.
Reports to OH2000E receivers are always automatically encrypted.
Information specific to SurGard receivers:
The Account Number is four digits long and may include
hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F). SurGard receivers allow optional encryption. If the Central Station provides an
encryption key, place a checkmark in "Use Encryption" and enter the key in the box below that. The key must be
32 digits long and may include hexadecimal digits. If the Central Station requires supervision, place a checkmark
in "Supervise the Connection." When supervision is enabled, the M1XEP will send a regular heartbeat signal to
the Central Station. The default time between heartbeats is 30 seconds, but can be changed to anything in the
range 10-255 seconds. If the Central Station provides a DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service) number,
place a checkmark in the "Include DNIS" box and enter the DNIS number below it.
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