M1XSP Installation Manual
Page 24
LEVITON ViziaRf (ZWave) Lighting
Interfacing to the Leviton ViziaRf Lighting can be accomplished using the ELK-M1XSP connected to the Leviton VRCOP
RS232 Serial Interface. This permits functional support for ZWave 2-Way Lighting and a few specific ZWave Thermo-
stats. The firmware in the M1XSP MUST be manually updated to version
20.0.x or greater
. Firmware updates may be
obtained from the Elk website.
M1XSP Configuration:
1. Select an address from 1 to 7 using the 4-position dip switch, then enroll the M1XSP into the M1 system.
2. Update the M1XSP with firmware version 20.0.4 or later.
3. Remove jumper JP5.
4. Jumpers S1 to S7 are not applicable with this firmware version.
5. Jumper S8 selects whether or not a “request node status” (Poll) command is sent by the M1XSP. Setting Jumper
S8=0 will result in a request node status command being sent whenever a “Hail” command on the ZWave network
is detected. Set S8=1 if you do not want to send the request node status.
6. Select “232” for Jumper JP3.
7. Connect the VRCOP’s serial cable to J2 (DB9 connector) on the M1XSP.
Leviton Configuration:
1. Physically install the ZWave nodes and program them into the network. This will require:
a. Handheld Primary Remote Controller Leviton model # VRCPG or equivalent.
b. Plug-In Serial Interface Module Leviton model # VRCOP.
2. Follow the steps listed in the VRCPG Remote’s User Guide to create your ZWave Network (include devices).
3. Follow the steps listed in the VRCOP Serial Interface Installation Instructions.
It is very IMPORTANT to implement each step in the VRCPG Remote consisting of:
a. Include Modules
b. Update Controller(s)
c. RS-232 Setup (this may show up as HAI SETUP in some older remotes)
For helpful information about the configuration use the following link to the Leviton web site:
Program the M1 Lighting device attributes utilizing the ElkRP software.
Only the specific devices to be used for the (ZWave) Network need to be programmed.
The Zwave individual Devices/Nodes map to the ELK-M1 Lighting Device as numbers 001 to 128.
The ZWave groups map to ELK-M1 Lighting Device numbers 129 to 256.
If interfacing with ZWave Thermostats, each stat must be given a name in the ELK-RP “Thermostats” page.
Thermostat # 1 is associated with the first stat listed in the list of Zwave devices/nodes.
Upon power-up the M1XSP will instruct the VRC0P Serial Interface to broadcast the “Find” command. The
VRC0P will notify the M1XSP of all devices that responded. This may take a few minutes and depends on the
number of devices that are in the network.
If ZWave thermostats exist on the network, they will be polled in a round-robin fashion for the current tempera-
ture, setpoints, mode, and fan settings (note: not all stats support all functions).
If the RS-232 SETUP procedure was performed correctly in the VRCPG Handheld Remote, the lighting status
updates should be reported by the VRC0P to the M1XSP whenever a switch is manually operated.
There is a helpful third party software program titled "LumenLink" available from the following website:
. Among other features, this software can be used to define lighting
groups for use by the VRC0P Serial Interface, or to export a file containing the node and group information of
the network. This file can be imported into ELK-RP’s Lighting setup. Visit the website for more details.