M1G Installation and Programming
Page 62
{Blank} = 0
Zero = 21
One = 22
Two = 23
Three = 24
Four = 25
Five = 26
Six = 27
Seven = 28
Eight = 29
Nine = 30
Ten = 31
Eleven = 32
Twelve = 33
Thirteen = 34
Fourteen = 35
Fifteen = 36
Sixteen = 37
Seventeen = 38
Eighteen = 39
Nineteen = 40
Twenty = 41
Thirty = 42
Forty = 43
Fifty = 44
Sixty = 45
Seventy = 46
Eighty = 47
Ninety = 48
Hundred = 49
Thousand = 50
[200ms Silence] = 51
[500ms Silence] = 52
[800hz Tone] = 53
A = 54
Access = 55
Acknowledged = 56
AC power = 57
Activate = 58
Activated = 59
Active = 60
Adjust = 61
Air = 62
Alarm = 63
Alert = 64
All = 65
AM = 66
An = 67
And = 68
Answer = 69
Any = 70
Are = 71
Area = 72
Arm = 73
Armed = 74
At = 75
Attic = 76
Audio = 77
Auto = 78
Authorized = 79
Automatic = 80
Automation = 81
Auxiliary = 82
Away = 83
B = 84
Back = 85
Barn = 86
Basement = 87
Bathroom = 88
Battery = 89
Bedroom = 90
Been = 91
Bell = 92
Bottom = 93
Break = 94
Breakfast = 95
Bright = 96
Building = 97
Burglar = 98
Button = 99
By = 100
Bypassed = 101
Cabinet = 102
Call = 103
Camera = 104
Cancel = 105
Carbon monoxide = 106
Card = 107
Center = 108
Central = 109
Change = 110
Check = 111
Chime = 112
Circuit = 113
Clear = 114
Closed = 115
Closet = 116
Code = 117
Cold = 118
Condition = 119
Connect = 120
Control = 121
Cool = 122
Cooling = 123
Corner = 124
Crawlspace = 125
Danger = 126
Day = 127
Deck = 128
Decrease = 129
Defective = 130
Degrees = 131
Delay = 132
Den = 133
Denied = 134
Detected = 135
Detector = 136
Device = 137
Dial = 138
Dialing = 139
Dim = 140
Dining room = 141
Disable = 142
Disarm = 143
Disarmed = 144
Dock = 145
Door = 146
Doors = 147
Down = 148
Driveway = 149
East = 150
Emergency = 151
Enable = 152
End = 153
Energy = 154
Enrollment = 155
Enter = 156
Entering = 157
Entertainment = 158
Enter the = 159
Entry = 160
Environment = 161
Equipment = 162
Error = 163
Evacuate = 164
Event = 165
Exercise = 166
Expander = 167
Exit = 168
Exterior = 169
F = 170
Fail = 171
Failure = 172
Family room = 173
Fan = 174
Feed = 175
Fence = 176
Fire = 177
First = 178
Flood = 179
Floor = 180
Followed = 181
Force = 182
Fountain = 183
Foyer = 184
Freeze = 185
Front = 186
Full = 187
Furnace = 188
Fuse = 189
Game = 190
Garage = 191
Gas = 192
Gate = 193
Glass = 194
Go = 195
Good = 196
Good-bye = 197
Great = 198
Group = 199
Guest = 200
Gun = 201
Hall = 202
Hallway = 203
Hanging up = 204
Hang up = 205
Has = 206
Has Expired = 207
Have = 208
Hear menu options = 209
Heat = 210
Help = 211
High = 212
Hold = 213
Home = 214
Hot = 215
Hot tub = 216
House = 217
Humidity = 218
HVAC = 219
If = 220
Immediately = 221
In = 222
Inches = 223
Increase = 224
Inner = 225
Input = 226
Inside = 227
Instant = 228
Interior = 229
In The = 230
Intruder = 231
Intrusion = 232
Invalid = 233
Is = 234
Is about to expire = 235
Is active = 236
Is armed = 237
Is canceled = 238
Is closed = 239
Is disarmed = 240
Is low = 241
Is off = 242
Is OK = 243
Is on = 244
Is open = 245
Jacuzzi = 246
Jewelry = 247
Keep = 248
Key = 249
Keypad = 250
Kitchen = 251
Lamp = 252
Laundry = 253
Lawn = 254
Leak = 255
Leave = 256
Left = 257
Less = 258
Level = 259
Library = 260
Light = 261
Lights = 262
Line = 263
Living room = 264
Loading = 265
Lobby = 266
Appendix C - Voice Message Vocabulary
*RP only *
Word or Phrase
Word or Phrase
Word or Phrase
Word or Phrase