R09 Time position reached
At the end of each move, the controller gives an output, to signal “in position”. The length of this pulse is set in
R9. Setting 0.0 gives a maintained output. This output St5/1-2 is active when Actual position = Demand position
+/- Tolerance window R12
Backlash dwell time
When the machine stops at the end of the overrun, it is usually desirable to have a short delay. The time is set in
this Register.
Time “Quantity complete”
When the quantity counter goes from 1 to 0, a pulse output at St6/3-4 is given. The time this will be set in R11.
Setting 0.0 gives a maintained output.
R12 Tolerance
It is possible to enter a value in Register R12 that represents an acceptable tolerance e.g. 0.1 mm. When the
Actual Position is within the Tolerance window, the Actual position displayed is made equal to the Demand
position. The actual error is not lost, as the controller knows the true position.
Example: R12 = 0.2
Therefore tolerance window is +/- 0.2mm
Display without tolerance Display with tolerance
Notice: The tolerance window “R12” should be “ZERO” at first start up!
Single set operation
Immediately after start signal, the controller checks the software limits. If the Demand position is greater or
smaller than the corresponding limit, the controller will stop and show the error message on the display. The
backlash distance in R4 is considered at the check of the Max software limit, if the backlash is activated in R8/6.
Manual operation
The movement will stop when software limits are reached. If moving at high speed, the drive will drop to creep
speed at a distance set in R1 from this limit. This prevents running into the ends of the machine. The end limit
values are modified by backlash value as set in R4, if R8/6 is selected.
Aktual Display
Target Display