7.2: Zone Bypassing/Unbypassing
When a zone is bypassed, its sensor is ignored by the system and does not generate an
alarm when triggered.
To omit a zone:
1. From the Omit Zones menu, select Omit. [21].
2. Using the arrow keys, scroll to the zone you want to omit.
3. Press √ to change the omit status.
4. Press
Save Changes?
is displayed.
5. Press √ to confirm the changed omit status.
To unbypass all zones:
1. From the Omit Zones menu, select Unbypass All [22].
2. Press √; all zones are unbypassed
All bypassed zones will be automatically unbypassed when the system is unset.
A fire zone cannot be bypassed
7.3: User Codes
supports a variety of individual user codes. Each of these codes is four digits
long. Most system functions require you to enter a valid user code.
The ability to perform a function is defined by your user code’s authorization level.
These authorization levels are pre-defined for each code as explained below.
Code 1: Master Code
The Master code is the highest user authorization level. With the Master code, you can
edit all other user codes. Additionally, the Master code grants access to the Event Log,
the Service menu and Home Automation Schedule programming.
The default Master code is 1234. Change this code immediately after the system has
been installed!
Codes 2-19: Controlled Codes
When you use a controlled user code for setting and unsetting, the system notifies the
monitoring service.
Codes 20-25: Non-controlled Codes
Non-controlled codes do not cause the system to send Set/Unset reports to the
monitoring service. The system sends a Unset report only if you use this code to unset
the system after an alarm occurrence.
Codes 26-27: Limited Codes
A Limited code enables you to issue a code that is valid for one day only. This code
automatically expires 24 hours after it has been programmed.
Code 28: Duress Code
The Duress code is designed for situations where you are being forced to operate the
system. This user code grants access to the selected operation, while sending a Duress
event message to the monitoring service.