5.4: SMS Control
If your system supports cellular communication, you can control HA units and PGM
remotely via your mobile phone using a number of SMS commands. The SMS
commands are designed to be entered as templates on your mobile phone.
Each SMS command contains the following elements:
SMS Command Descriptor (up to 43 characters long)
# (separates the descriptor from the actual command)
Command (0=Off, 1=On)
HA Unit Number (01-16, or 30 for PGM)
The following example shows the format of an SMS command to switch on a water
boiler controlled by HA unit 08.
SMS Command Descriptor
User Code
B o i l e r O n # 1 2 3 4 1 0 8
Do not include the symbol ‘#’ in the descriptor as the system regards any text after this
symbol as part of the command. The SMS Command Descriptor is optional but you must
still enter the ‘#’ before the user code.
SMS Confirmation Message Format
After an SMS command is executed by the system, if programmed by your engineer, a
confirmation message may be returned to your mobile phone. This message includes the HA
unit’s descriptor and the command that was sent. The following example shows the
confirmation message you receive for the sample command from the previous section.
B o i l e r - O N
5.5: Scheduling (not relevant to PGM)
The Scheduling feature allows you to set an On and Off time for each HA unit. At these
times the system automatically switches the HA unit on and off. You can also choose
the days of the week that the schedule is active.
On Time
To edit an HA unit’s “On” Time:
From the main menu, select HA Schedules [8].
Select an HA unit.
From the HA unit’s sub-menu, select On Time.
Enter a time (HH:MM).
Press √ when the desired setting is displayed.
Off Time
To edit an HA unit’s “Off” Time:
1. From the main menu, select HA Schedules [8].
2. Select an HA unit.