Alarm Codes
Current production specific
This range includes the following PBs and PB firmware releases:
PB100 after P100R230 (including P100R230)
iB0 (iH0)
code: turbidity sensor unknown calibration error
The alarm is set if an unknown calibration error has occurred – the
cause of the error is not covered by iB2, iB3 and iB4.
The washing program will run as though the dirt value to be
considered is high.
iB1 (iH1)
code: turbidity sensor error
The alarm is set if lose contact with the turbidity sensor, could be
because the connection to the sensor is lost.
The washing program will run as though the dirt value to be
considered is high.
iB2 (iH2)
code: turbidity sensor not enough power
calibration error
The alarm is set if there is not enough power to drive it to its
intended output value, could be because the sensor is too dirty.
The washing program will run as though the dirt value to be
considered is high.
iB3 (iH3)
code: turbidity sensor out of range calibration
The alarm is set if we get invalid sensor reading during the
calibration, could be because the sensor is broken.
The washing program will run as though the dirt value to be
considered is high.
iB4 (iH4)
code: turbidity sensor too noisy calibration error
The alarm is set if the turbidity readings are too noisy during
calibration, could be because of dirt or air bubbles disturbing the
turbidity sensor during calibration.
The washing program will run as though the dirt value to be
considered is high.
iC0 Code - family : Communication Problem
code: user interface communication
The error signal is displayed if the communication system does not
recognize any display board.
code: MACS bus communication
After three attempts to establish communication, an error is signalled in the
hardware control
Code: ADSI communication
The washing programme is suspended but it can be restarted if the alarm
conditions no longer apply
Code: Communication between boards
The alarm is signaled if the communication between the power board and
the motor control board does not start.
Acoustic signal and visual alarm, depending on the appliance
customization; the washing program is restarted automatically if the error
conditions no longer apply.
Technical Support – A.R.
599 79 76 - 53 REV 1.0