Handheld Trans mit ter Setup
and Operation
Insert Bat tery. Re move the battery com partment cover by
unscrewing it com pletely. Insert a 9V bat tery, terminal end
first into the battery compartment.
The CSH-1000 unique design allows the battery to be
inserted and used re gardless of the pos itive and negative ter-
mi nal po si tion.
With bat tery compartment still open, turn the unit so you
can see the display and the con trol panel. Turn the unit on
by sliding the power switch for ward to the on po sition.
The low battery LED will light for a second and the dis -
play will show the battery level, then the Group and Chan-
nel numbers.
3. Change the group and chan nel num bers
to match those
displayed on the re
ceiver by pressing SET. The Group
number will flash and can be changed with the UP/DOWN
keys. Once the de
sired group number is show ing, press
SET to se lect and the Channel num ber will flash. Se lect
the Channel and press SET again, the flashing will stop
and the chan nel is now set.
4. Change Lock-Out.
By pressing and holding the UP and
DOWN ar row keys to gether for 5 seconds, the SET key is
disabled. The MENU button still al lows dif ferent screens to
be dis played. To re activate the SET key, sim ply press and
hold the UP and DOWN keys again for 5 seconds.
5. Ver ify re cep tion
With the trans mitter and receiver on and
matching Group and Chan nel, the main receiver display
should be in dicating a RF signal on the bar graph. Speak
into the microphone and the Au dio Meter bar graph should
indicate au dio signal presence. If the level meters do not
show re ception, make sure the chan nels are match ing and
refer to the trouble shooting section.
6. Adjustment of the trans mitter au dio gain - If necessary
The transmitter au dio gain is factory set at 1/3 of maxi-
mum range, which should be suitable for most applica-
tions. For loud or soft speakers/singers a gain adjustment
may be nec essary. Have the speaker or singer use the mi -
crophone in a nor mal performance level voice. The Au dio
Meter in the main receiver display screen should show
peaks around the -3dB level. If the meter peaks all the way
to the right or well be low the -3dB level, adjust the trans-
mit ter au dio gain.
To ad just the transmitter gain, gently insert the provided
screwdriver (or other 3/32 in. screwdriver) into the adjust-
ment hole op posite the dis play screen. Turn lightly un til
the screwdriver tip goes into the ad justment level con trol.
Gently turn counterclockwise un til the con trol stops (the
microphone out put is at minimum but not off). Slowly turn
the gain con
trol up (clockwise) while speaking/singing
into the microphone and the au
dio meter shows peaks
around -3 dB.
Operating with the transmitter audio gain set as high
as pos sible (without distortion or peaks all the way to the right
end of the meter) will result in the best performance and high -
est signal to noise ratio.
7. Trans mitting Power Ad just ment (if nec es sary).
CSH-1000 transmitter has two ra dio transmit power set -
tings. It is factory set in the NORM position, which will
maximize the number of simultaneous us ers and limit in -
terference with other wireless de vices. Switching to HIGH
power will maximize range for outdoor and single user ap -
pli ca tions.
8. In ter change able Mi cro phone Head.
To re move the head,
grasp the handheld transmitter body in one hand and the
ballscreen as sembly in the other. Turn the ballscreen coun -
ter clock wise and un screw until the head is de tached. See
spec i fi ca tions and ac ces so ries for more in for ma tion on
avail able heads.
9. Test Per for mance.
Go back to Sec tion 3. Re ceiver Setup
and Op eration - Step 9 to complete system set up and test.
Summary of Contents for Telex RE-1
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