Electro-Voice Telex RE-1 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 8

Re ceiver Setup and Op er a tion


Place the re ceiver and an tennas where there is a clear line
of sight to the area where the transmitter will be used. Ro -
tate the an tennas to separate them by 90 de grees.

2. Connect the power sup ply

 cord to the receiver. Plug the

power sup ply into an AC outlet. Turn the re ceiver on and
confirm that it is ON by checking the main display screen.
The display will show the company logo, software and
channel map re 

vision levels and then dis 

play the main

screen with the last chan nel set.

Caution: Please make sure the AC power sup ply is the cor -
rect voltage for your lo 

cal requirements be 

fore it is

plugged into the wall.

3. Man ual  Chan nel  Change.

From the main dis play screen

press the MENU but ton once. The Channel Change screen
is now displayed. Press SET: the group number should be
flashing. The Up and DOWN buttons allow you to scroll
through the 10 factory groups and 10 user de 


groups. When the group you desire is displayed, press SET
to select that group and the Chan 

nel Number will start

flashing. Scroll to the de sired chan nel, press SET to select.
Pressing MENU anytime be fore pressing SET ne gates any
changes made since the last SET. Once the de sired group
and channel are displayed (but not flashing) press MENU
twice to re turn to the main display screen.

4. Frequency As 

signment (User De 

fined Groups Only).

With a User Group* se lected in step three, press MENU
once and the frequency as 

signment screen is displayed.

Press SET and the Fre 

quency Number will flash. Use

UP/DOWN to scroll in 25 kHz steps to the desired fre 


quency. With the desired fre 

quency dis 

played press SET.

The Channel Number will be gin to flash. use the
UP/DOWN keys to select an 

other Chan 

nel in this group

you want to as sign a fre quency, press SET to select and the
Frequency Number will flash. Re 

peat until all de 


Channels are assigned a fre quency. Press MENU to stop ed -
iting. Press MENU twice to return to the main display


 Hold ing in the arrow key will increase the speed of 

the scroll. Just release and press again for fine con trol.

* User Defined Groups start at Group #11 and display a "u"
after the group number.

5. Ad vanced  ClearScan



This fea ture au tomates the pro-

cess of find 

ing a clear group of inter-modulation free

channels and the clearest chan nels within those groups. To
use ClearScan


, from the main display screen push Menu

twice (or 3 times if a user de fined group is being used) to
go to the Op tions Screen. Use the UP/DOWN keys and
SET to select the ver sion of ClearScan


, you wish to run.

a. ClearScan



. This pro gram scans all of the groups

(factory and user) and re turns a list of groups ranked by
the number of free channels. Once ClearScan


All has

run, the screen will display the clearest group with the
open channels in that group. You can scroll through the
other ranked groups us ing UP/DOWN. When you have the 
group you want, press SET to run ClearScan


on that

group. The display will now show the group with the
Channels ranked by clearness. You can scroll through the
channels with UP/DOWN, once the de 

sired chan 

nel is

flashing, press SET to select and the display will go to the
main display.


Groups 7, 8, 9, and 10 have 16 channels and are

marked with an N (7N). These groups re quire the transmitters
to be in the NORMAL transmit power set 

ting to work to-

gether. The N groups will always be displayed af ter groups
1-6 and any user defined groups no matter how many channels
are free. If you need to use more than 12 systems at one time,
scroll down to the N groups and use the clearest group with
Nor mal  trans mit  power.

b. ClearScan


  Group XX.

This pro 

gram will scan the

group cur rently se lected, which is useful for multi-system
setup. With ClearScanTM All run for the first unit of a
multi-system in stallation, the clear est group has been se-
lected. For each sys 

tem added, leave all pre 

viously se 


lected channel transmitters on, us 

ing Step 3 select the

current group, se lect ClearScan


 Group and press SET.

The display will show the group and ranked re 


clear chan nels. Se lect the de sired channel with UP/DOWN
or simply press SET for the first chan nel. The channel will
be selected and re turn to the main display. Repeat un til all
systems are set up or all clear channels are full.

c. ClearScan



. This pro gram se lects and ranks the

clearest 16 fre quencies in the 24 MHz band width re gard-
less of groups, chan nels or pre vi ous  co or di na tion. This
feature is use ful for se lecting one clear chan nel in a very
dirty RF en 

vironment. From the Options screen, select



  Band and press SET, this scan will run un til

SET is pressed again so it can be used to eval uate a site
over an hour, day or even a week. The pro gram dis plays
Group 21S with the clearest open fre quencies in the band
assigned chan nels (up to 16). These fre quencies will re-
main assigned to this group un til ClearScan


  Band is run 


Caution: Un like the fac tory as signed groups, the chan nels
in 21S are not co ordinated. If more than one chan nel from
group 21S is used, the com bination must be walk tested
with all transmitters on before use.


Summary of Contents for Telex RE-1

Page 1: ...Operating Instructions RE 1 User Guide ...

Page 2: ...roups Only 4 3 Display 4 3 Controls 4 3 Functions Screen 4 4 Controls 4 4 ClearScanTM All 4 4 ClearScanTM Current Groups 4 5 ClearScanTM Band 4 5 Edit Microphone Label Name 4 6 Display 4 6 Controls 4 6 Sound Check Screen 4 6 Display 4 6 Controls 4 6 Set Squelch Threshold 4 6 Display 4 6 Controls 4 6 Copy Group 4 7 Screen Timer 4 7 Clear Group 4 7 Lockout 4 7 Master Reset 4 7 Transmitter On Off Loc...

Page 3: ... The screen will stop at the GP Group and CH Channel screen Press the SET button once and the Group number will flash 5 Use the up and down arrows to change the Group number to match the channel number displayed on the receiver Press SET and the Channel Number will flash 6 Use the up and down arrow buttons to change the Channel to match the receiver Press Set and flashing stops The channel is now ...

Page 4: ...1 2 Blank ...

Page 5: ...e Unbalanced Line Level 1 4 inch output jack Fixed balanced Microphone Level XLR output jack Front Panel Power ON OFF Switch Quadruple Tuned Ceramic Resonator front end for superior interference rejection SAW Filter 1st I F for out of band rejection Triple ceramic filters in 2nd I F for adjacent channel rejection Double Tuned Quadrature circuit for low audio distortion Permanent Flash Memory for f...

Page 6: ...2 2 Blank ...

Page 7: ...ay Control Buttons Menu Set Up Down 4 Power Connector 5 Balanced Mic Level Audio Output 6 Unbalanced Line Level Audio Output Connector with Level Adjustment 7 TNC Antenna Input Connectors 8 USB Program Connector 3 1 Section 3 menu set power CSR 1000 UHF Receiver R Antenna Made in U S A Program Patent No 6256484 Balanced Mic Level Output Unbalanced Line Level Output Antenna MIN MAX FMR 12 15V AC DC...

Page 8: ...ions Screen Use the UP DOWN keys and SET to select the version of ClearScanTM you wish to run a ClearScanTM All This program scans all of the groups factory and user and returns a list of groups ranked by the number of free channels Once ClearScanTM All has run the screen will display the clearest group with the open channels in that group You can scroll through the other ranked groups using UP DO...

Page 9: ... Sound Check and press set This Sound Check Screen will be displayed a The peak hold audio meter allows you to set the transmitter gain as high as possible for the appli cation which maximizes the signal to noise ratio Sing yell or play the instrument at the loudest de sired volume and adjust the gain on the meter b The squelch break counter will tell you if you are pushing the range or may have s...

Page 10: ...S A S E T M E N U N O R M H I G H TRANSMIT POWER B 5 6 8 7 11 R 1 Microphone Head Interchangeable 2 Main Display LCD Channel Frequency or Battery Level Indication 3 Low Battery LED Lights when battery is low 4 Power On Off Switch 5 Menu Switch 6 Set Switch 7 Channel Frequency Up Switch 8 Channel Frequency Down Switch 9 Microphone Gain 10 Battery Cover Screw type 11 Transmit RF Power Switch ...

Page 11: ...ansmitter audio gain is factory set at 1 3 of maxi mum range which should be suitable for most applica tions For loud or soft speakers singers a gain adjustment may be necessary Have the speaker or singer use the mi crophone in a normal performance level voice The Audio Meter in the main receiver display screen should show peaks around the 3dB level If the meter peaks all the way to the right or w...

Page 12: ... 7 5 5 0 5 0 GP CH CSB 1000 1 8 R 1 Antenna flexible 1 4 wave antenna removable replacement part see Section 8 2 Power On Off Switch 3 Low Battery LED Indicator 4 TA4 Audio Connector 5 LCD Display Channel Frequency or Battery Level Indication 6 Display Control Buttons Menu Set Up Down 7 Belt Clip Removable and Detachable not shown 8 9V Battery Compartment 9 Audio Gain Adjustment 10 Transmitting RF...

Page 13: ...ould indicate au dio signal presence Instrument Switch the Voice Instrument Switch to instru ment Plug in the instrument TA4 cable Play the instrument and the Audio Meter bar graph on the receiver should indicate audio signal presence 8 Adjustment of the Transmitter Audio Gain if neces sary The transmitter audio gain is factory set at 1 3 of maximum range which should be suitable for most appli ca...

Page 14: ...nk you will see on the frequency display Blank channels also display a after the channel number on the Group Channel screen Press SET and use the UP or DOWN buttons to change the frequency Press SET to save the new frequency or MENU to quit without saving changes since SET was last pressed Power Switch Disable When the Power Switch is disabled you must move the power switch to the OFF position and...

Page 15: ...ame 2 lines x 9 characters all capitals 4 Battery Status 100 to 0 Pct in 20 Pct steps Flash if low 5 Audio Meter 30 to 3 6 RF Signal Strength 0 to 300 7 Antenna Diversity Status left or right antenna combinations 8 Edit Lockout Status Padlock next to GP indicates Locked 1 MENU goes to next screen 2 UP DOWN for 3 seconds Sets Resets Edit Lockout GP CH 1 2 u 0 5 20 10 6 3 0 3 1 3 10 30 100 E V ON E ...

Page 16: ... UP DOWN for 3 seconds Sets Resets Edit Lockout If Edit Mode is not locked out 3 SET A Starts Edit mode Group Number begins flashing B Steps between Group Number and Channel Number Selected field flashes to indicate it can be changed C Effects change after UP or DOWN have been pressed then returns you to Display Mode 4 MENU stops Edit mode without effecting changes since SET was last pressed 5 UP ...

Page 17: ... If Edit Mode is not locked out 3 SET A Starts Edit mode Frequency begins flashing B Steps between frequency and channel number selected field flashes to indicate change C Effects change after UP or DOWN have been pressed then returns you to Display Mode 4 MENU stops Edit mode without effecting changes since SET was last pressed 5 UP or DOWN in Edit Mode A In User Defined groups UP or DOWN increme...

Page 18: ... the receiver on this group ClearScanTM then scans to select the clearest channels within the group see ClearScanTM Current Group Press SET to accept this channel and return to the operating screen The UP and DOWN buttons may be used to select the next best group channel and so forth Press MENU to return to the Operating Screen with the re ceiver set to the Group Channel and Frequency it was on pr...

Page 19: ... the receiver is on and proceeds in 200 kHz increments on either side until the whole band is scanned The scan is re peated until ended by the user Press SET to initiate Each frequency is scanned continuously within the band the highest reading on each frequency is stored to give a worse case reading as long as the scan is being done Pressing SET ends the scan After scanning ClearScanTM places the...

Page 20: ...n this screen Sound Check Screen Display 1 Battery Status 2 Peak Audio level held while screen is displayed 3 Range of RF Signal Strength 4 Squelch Break Counter Set Squelch Threshold CAUTION SEE PAGE 3 3 STEP 11A Display 1 Press SET Controls 1 SET disables tone squelch and enables edit mode allows squelch level adjustment Squelch bar will flash in edit mode Tone Squelch is disabled 2 UP raises th...

Page 21: ... Down to place the unit into its factory configuration Group 1 channel 1 user groups cleared default squelch setting Transmitter On Off Lock Out There are two On Off lock out modes available One Time and Everytime One Time Cycling the power switch 3 times in under 3 sec onds and On Loc will be displayed for a second and then re turn to normal operation The power switch alone will no longer turn th...

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Page 23: ...eed to set up more systems contact your dealer or Telex for assistance in choosing additional frequencies Potential Sources of Interference There are many potential sources of interference for your wireless system Any electronic product that contains digital circuitry including digital signal processors re verb multi effects units electronic keyboards digital lighting controllers CD and DVD player...

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Page 25: ...ignals are mixing Another wireless product in the area is on the same frequency or the signals are mixing Solutions Make sure that the power supply is properly connected and the on off but ton is in the on position Turn on transmitter power switch Match the transmitter group and chan nel to the one displayed on the receiver Insert fresh battery in transmitter Clean and or bend contact Check the TA...

Page 26: ...lication requires high transmitter output Lockout feature is enabled Channel not in a user definable group On Off lockout is engaged Solutions Move the receiver to a different location Use ClearScanTM to change the operat ing frequency Repair or remove the source of interference Move the re ceiver to a different location Move the obstacles or reposition the receiver antennas Check the antenna conn...

Page 27: ...els 900 possible channels Programmable in 25 kHz steps Modulation 40 kHz deviation Diversity DSP Posi PhaseTM True Diversity RF Sensitivity 0 8 μV for 12 dB SINAD Image Rejection 60 dB Squelch Tone plus Amplitude Ultimate Quieting 100 dB Power Requirements 12 VAC 750mA max Operating Temperature 7 to 49 C 20 to 120 F Dimensions 1 72 in H x 7 50 in W x 8 38 in D 43 69 mm H x 190 50 mm W x 212 85 mm ...

Page 28: ...YM dynamic Microphone Head RC510 ElectroVoice RE 510 cardioid condenser Standard Lavalier Microphone Telex ELM 22 MicroMiniTM Omni Directional Condenser TA4F Connector Wiring Pin 1 Ground Pin 2 Mic Input Pin 3 5V bias Pin 4 5V bias through a 3kW resistor Audio Gain Adjustment Range Handheld 26 dB Bodypack 40 dB Power Requirements 9 Volt Alkaline Battery Battery Life Typical 8 10 hours with 9 Volt ...

Page 29: ...tions Commission Part 74 Licensing of Telex equipment is the user s responsibility and licensability depends upon the user s classification user s application and frequency selected Telex strongly urges the user to contact the appropriate telecommunications authority for any desired clarification CAUTION Any changes or modifications made to the above equipment could void the user s authority to op...

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Page 31: ...LPA 500 450 900 MHz LPA 500 Coaxial Antenna Cable CXU 25 71151025 CXU 50 71151050 CXU 75 71151075 CXU 100 71151100 1 4 Wave Bodypack Tx Antenna A AN Flex A Green 879220 4 1 4 Wave Bodypack Tx Antenna B D AN Flex B D RED 879220 5 1 4 Wave Bodypack TX Antenna E AN Flex E Blue 879220 6 1 4 Wave Super Flex Tx Antenna A AN Sflex A Green 879538 4 1 4 Wave Super Flex Tx Antenna B D AN Sflex B D Red 87953...

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Page 33: ...vy paper or put it in a plastic bag If the original carton is not available place the unit in a strong carton that is at least six inches bigger in all three dimensions than the unit Fill the carton equally around the unit with resilient packing material shredded paper foam etc Seal it with gummed paper tape tie it with a strong cord and ship it by prepaid express United Parcel Service or insured ...

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Page 35: ...parts are covered under this limited warranty only for the unexpired term of the original limited warranty 4 Products purchased from unauthorized dealers are not warranted 5 You must fill out and return the product warranty card to register the purchase date of serialized items A copy of the bill of sale showing the date of purchase must accompany all warranty work THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXPRESS...

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Page 37: ...TELEX COMMUNICATIONS INC 12000 Portland Ave South Burnsville MN 55337 PN 803333 Rev A June 2004 Made in U S A ...
