Bodypack Trans mit ter Setup
and Op er a tion
1. In stall An tenna.
The CSB-1000 is equipped with a de -
tachable an tenna. Screw in the an tenna in cluded with the
system. See the ac cessories sec tion at the end of this man -
ual for in formation on op tional antennas for the
2. In sert Bat tery.
Pinch the battery door tabs inward and
pull the door open. In sert a 9V bat tery as in dicated by the
+/- in the holder. (
The CSB-1000 unique design
allows the battery to be in serted and used re gardless of the
pos i tive and neg a tive ter mi nal po si tion, the in di ca tors are
there for ref erence only).
With battery compartment still open, turn the unit on with
Power switch on the top panel. The low bat tery LED will
light for a second and the dis play will show the battery
level, then the Group and Channel numbers.
4. Change the group and chan nel num bers
to match those
displayed on the re
ceiver by pressing SET. The Group
number will flash and can be changed with the UP/DOWN
keys. Once the de sired Group number is show ing, press
SET to se lect and the Channel num ber will flash. Se lect
the Channel and press SET again, the flashing will stop
and the chan nel is now set.
5. Change Lock-Out
. By pressing and holding the UP and
DOWN ar row keys to gether for 5 seconds, the SET key is
disabled. The MENU button still al lows dif ferent screens
to be displayed. To re activate the SET key, simply press
and hold the UP and DOWN keys again for 5 seconds.
6. Ver ify re cep tion.
With the transmitter and re ceiver on and
matching Group and Chan nel, the main receiver display
should be in dicating a RF signal on the bar graph. If the
level meter does not show re ception, make sure the chan-
nels are matching and refer to the trouble shooting section.
7. At tach the Mi cro phone or In stru ment.
Mi cro phone:
Plug the TA4 end of the microphone cable
into the top panel of the CSB-1000. Speak into the micro-
phone and the Au dio Meter bar graph should indicate au -
dio signal presence.
Switch the Voice/Instrument Switch to instru-
ment. Plug in the instrument TA4 ca ble. Play the
instrument and the Audio Meter bar graph on the re ceiver
should in di cate au dio sig nal pres ence.
8. Ad just ment of the Trans mit ter Au dio Gain
(if nec es-
The transmitter audio gain is factory set at 1/3 of
maximum range, which should be suitable for most appli-
cations. For loud or soft speakers/singers a gain adjust-
ment may be nec essary. Have the speaker or singer use the
microphone in a nor mal performance level voice. The Au -
dio Meter in the main receiver display screen should show
peaks around the -3 dB level. If the meter peaks all the
way to the right or well be low the -3 dB level, adjust the
trans mit ter au dio gain.
To ad just the transmitter gain, gently insert the provided
screwdriver (or other screwdriver) into the adjustment po -
ten ti om e ter. Gently turn coun terclock wise un til the con trol
stops (the microphone out put is at minimum but not off).
Slowly turn the gain control up (clockwise) while speak-
ing/singing into the microphone or playing the instrument
and the au dio meter shows peaks around -3 dB.
9. In stru ment Gain Ad just ment.
Play the in
strument as
normal. Ad just the transmitter au dio gain if needed. If the
audio is distorted, in sure that the voice/instrument switch
is in the instrument po sition. Very high output instruments
may need ad di tional cord at ten u a tion.
Operating with the transmitter audio gain set as
high as pos sible (without distortion or peaks all the way to
the right end of the me ter) will result in the best perfor-
mance and high est sig nal to noise ra tio.
10. Trans mitting Power Ad just ment if nec es sary.
CSB-1000 transmitter has two ra dio transmit power set -
tings. It is factory set in the NORM position, which will
maximize the number of simultaneous us ers and limit in -
terference with other wireless de vices. Switching to HIGH
power will maximize range for outdoor and single user ap -
pli ca tions.
11. Test Per for mance.
Go back to Sec tion 3 - Re ceiver Setup
and Op eration step 9 to complete system set up and test.
Summary of Contents for Telex RE-1
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