Guide lines and Rec om men da tions
for Best Performance
Com pat i bil ity
The transmitter and receiver must be of the same fre quency
band and set to the same group and channel in or der to work
to gether. The CSR-1000 is available in two fre quency bands,
A and B. The band in formation is available in the
Group/Channel edit screen on the re ceiver, the bot tom la bel on
the handheld transmitter, and on the back panel la bel on the
Using Mul ti ple Wire less Sys tems
If two or more CSR-1000 systems and/or other UHF/VHF
wireless systems are be ing used in the same location, proper
fre quency co or di na tion is nec es sary to avoid in ter fer ence. All
channels in the CSR-1000 fac tory set groups are de signed to
work to gether, so if chan nels from just one group are used no
further co ordination is required. Con tact your dealer or Telex
for as sistance if you are planning more systems or us ing the
CSR-1000 with other wireless equipment.
For 12 or less frequencies to be used
together, se lect all frequencies from only one of group 1-6.
Normal power will sometimes work more effectively than
high power when us ing larger numbers of frequencies.
Groups 7, 8, 9, and 10 have 16 chan-
nels and are marked with an N (7N). These groups re quire the
transmitters to be in the NORMAL transmit power set ting to
work to gether. The N groups will always be displayed after
groups 1-6 and any user de fined groups no matter how many
channels are free. If you need to use more than 12 systems at
one time, scroll down to the N groups and use the clearest
group with Nor mal transmit power.
Mul ti ple Sys tems and Ad vanced
Because all of the chan nels in the factory set groups are com -
pat i ble Ad vanced ClearScan
can be used to set up multiple
systems quickly and with con fidence. When setting up more
than one system, set up the first system us ing the ClearScan
All func tion. Once the work ing Group has been es tablished,
leave the first transmitter on, set the next receiver Group to the
working Group and run ClearScan
Group. This will provide
the next clearest channel in that group. Set the transmitter to
match, leave it on and repeat un til all the sys tems are set up. If
you run out of clear channels in one group but need to set up
more sys tems, contact your dealer or Telex for as sistance in
choos ing ad di tional fre quen cies.
Po ten tial Sources of In ter fer ence
There are many po
tential sources of in
terference for your
wireless system. Any electronic product that contains digital
c i r c u i tr y i n c lu d i n g d i g i t a l s i g n al p r o c e s s o r s ( r e-
verb/multi-effects units), elec tronic keyboards, digital lighting
con trol lers, CD and DVD play ers, and com puters, all emit RF
energy that can ad versely affect the performance of your wire-
less sys tem. It is al ways best to place the re ceiver as far away
as pos sible from these de vices to minimize po tential problems.
An a log and Dig i tal Tele vi sion sta tions can also in ter fere with
your wire less sys tem. The CSR-1000 is designed to op erate
over 24 MHz of RF band width, which cov ers four TV chan -
nels. The factory pre sets on the CSR-1000 are optimized for
conditions where one or pos sibly two of the four stations are
covered in your area. If three of the four stations are used in
your area, it will se verely limit the number of sys tems that will
operate to gether and you should be us ing a different band.
Bat tery Rec om men da tions
Fresh 9-volt al ka line bat ter ies from a qual ity man u fac turer
will yield the best performance from your CSR-1000 transmit-
ters. Re chargeable 8.4-volt Ni-Cad bat teries can be used but
will result in much shorter operation time.
When the transmitters are turned on, the red battery LED will
flash once if the battery is good. If the light does not light or
stays lit con tinuously, the bat tery is weak or dead. If the light
comes on dur ing use, the bat tery is weakening and should be
replaced as soon as possible. If sound quality de grades dur ing
use, it may be the re sult of a weakening bat tery.
Caution: The bat tery level in dicators, on the trans mitters
and receiver dis plays, are based on the use of al kaline bat -
teries. Use of other bat tery types will result in false read-
ings on these indicators although the low bat tery LED on
the trans mit ters will op er ate nor mally.
Receiver and An tenna Placement
Do not place the re ceiver near a large metal ob ject or surface.
Locate the re ceiver as close as pos sible to the area where the
transmitter will be used. Ideally, position the receiver/antennas
within sight of the transmitter. When us ing mul tiple systems,
do not allow antennas to cross or touch each other. For best re-
sults with multiple receivers, use an AD-450 antenna splitter
(see Sec tion 8).
Summary of Contents for Telex RE-1
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