© Elcom Ltd.
Eurosoft software
6.1 Eurosoft basic characteristics
6.1.1 Basic characteristics of Eurosoft software
simplifies Euro-2500T programming
enables users to edit and send cash register data in a very simple and convenient way
(the system flags programming, programming of receipt logo, the PLU program or the
department program)
enables users to make automatic transfer of sales results from cash register to computer
enables the user to process data automatically for report preparation of programmed data
and sales results
enables the user to print acquired data in a clear form
enables the user to produce a whole price-list of programmed PLUs, the programmed
parameters of cashiers, departments and system flags and to prepare them to be sent
back to the register (permits data back up from the register during repairs).
6.2 Installation of the EuroSoft software
6.2.1 Software installation from floppy disk
1. Insert the diskette supplied together with the Euro-2500T register into the floppy drive of
your computer.
2. In the DOS environment enter a:\install (or b:\install) and press the ENTER key. In the
Windows 95 system select the Run option in the Start menu. In the dialog window of the
Run menu enter a:\install.
The installation program starts. During the installation, enter the location (disc, directory) for the
program installation on your computer and the information on your company.
After installing the program in your computer, the system announces whether the installation
was successful.
Press any key on the computer keyboard to end the installation program.
During the installation the diskette must be set
to write enabled.
Note 2: You can download the recent version of
EuroSoft from our internet web page