© Elcom Ltd.
Registration mode
4.2.3 Cashier log out button
If the cash register has been protected from unauthorized use, the cashier should log out by pressing the
button after finishing registration. The notification
appears and the cash register is
locked until the correct password is entered. When the cash register is locked, registration cannot be
performed and the drawer will not open. This function is used when cashiers change over or when the cashier
leaves the register.
4.2.4 Finalization of transaction
Pressing one of the buttons for payment determines that all transactions are completed. Determine the
payment method (by cash, by credit card, by check etc.). Finish the transaction by pressing one of the
following buttons
4.3 Samples of basic registration procedures
1. Set the cash register to R mode by pressing 1 button and Mode button.(registration).
2. Enter a password to log in.
3. Enter the PLU code of the registered item.
4. Press the
5. Repeat number 3 and 4 for each PLU.
6. Press the
(SUBTOTAL) to get subtotal.
7. Announce the amount to the customer.
8. Enter the amount tendered by the customer and press the corresponding payment button.
9. The cash drawer opens. When the amount tendered is greater than the amount of sale, the
register will show the change due. Otherwise your register will show the additional amount due.
10. Tear off the receipt and give it to your customer together with the change.