What anti-fouling products to you offer?
We offer three anti-fouling aids, including the uniquely effective copper-gauze method. (5.11)
Can I use re-chargeable or Lithium batteries in the Internal Battery Pack or External Battery Pack?
We strongly discourage use of lithium batteries in enclosed housings if there is any chance the batteries could get
wet – such as in the IBP or EBP. (5.9)
Why is it important to check water temperature in a range of temperatures in the lab before deployment? How
It’s not really that important; the Scuba design has been checked may times to make sure it accounts for water
temperature everywhere necessary, such as when calculating DO saturation. However, it might be instructive to
check the performance of your Scuba in cold water if you often operate in cold waters.
7.6 General FAQ’s
What do the LED’s mean?
Please see 2.6.
Is your sonde approved by the EPA, USGS, or has it been tested at ACT (Alliance for Coastal Technologies)?
Yes, and you can see the test reports, including ACT’s Performance verification statement for the Eijkelkamp Scuba
pH sensor (2015), Evaluation of the Eijkelkamp Scuba water quality multiprobe sonde (USGS, 2017), and Eijkelkamp
outperforms the competition.
Can I add sensors to my Scuba?
The Scuba can handle as many as 12 sensors. If you have fewer than 12 and wish to add one or more sensors, we can
do it.
Why do you build the Scuba the way you do?
Unlike the products of lesser manufacturers, the Scuba uses the same basic electronic and mechanical components
regardless of how many sensors you order. Most importantly, we have a no-cramming rule that prevents our stuffing
too many sensors into an artificially small instrument diameter. Yes, we know that you like small instruments, but
cramming sensors together results in sensors whose performance, reliability, reparability, and/or maintenance ease
is compromised. We choose the best sensors available on the world market for your needs and build the Scuba
around them.
So, when you ordered your Scuba, one of the Eijkelkamp product specialists determined the optimum housing
diameter for the sensors you selected. The Scuba sizes (outside diameters) are 50 mm, 65, 75, 90 and 105 mm.
Anytime you wish to add or subtract sensors, we can use all of your Scuba’s circuit boards and sensors in a larger or
smaller housing. Cost is minimized, and you still have a conventional Scuba instead of having to change to a different
instrument model.
We know that stuff - bad stuff - happens in the field, so we designed the Scuba so you don’t need a factory expert for
troubleshooting if something goes wrong. If the multiprobe turns on and reads any of its parameters correctly, then
the basic communication circuitry is OK - if not, you need a new CPU board. If the multiprobe reads temperature, but
not, say, conductivity, then you need a new conductivity sensor. You call Eijkelkamp, we send you the replacement
component, and you install it yourself in a few minutes. There’s no labor charge, and only one day of down-time. It
really is that easy.
And, of course, the Scuba continues Eijkelkamp’s tradition of user software that is so easy that most users rarely read this
instruction manual. In fact, you are the only person who has ever read this far.