5.11 Controlling sensor fouling
Fouling cannot be eliminated altogether, but Eijkelkamp offers three effective options to minimize sensor fouling and
maximize data quality.
Eijkelkamp’s unique copper gauze antifoulant is a double-wall sensor guard (below) envelops the sensors with
copper gauze. Unlike copper screen, the copper gauze dissolves with time, killing or discouraging biota that would
otherwise collect on the sensors. Available on all Scubas.
The copper-gauze method works better than copper screen or copper parts. Solid copper rapidly develops an
oxide coating – stuff may not grow on the copper part, but the copper will not protect the sensors. The copper
gauze dissolves slowly, bathing the sensors in copper ions that discourage biological growth.
The extended turbidity brush attaches to the turbidity sensor and cleans the measurement surfaces of several
sensors, including the Turner fluorometers (chlorophyll, blue-green algae, etc.) and the dissolved oxygen sensor.
Available on Scuba 75, 90, and 105 models with turbidity sensors.
Eijkelkamp’s mini cleaner is used for sensor brushing when the Scuba does not have a turbidity sensor (and hence
cannot have the extended turbidity brush). It can be programmed for frequency of brush cycles and number of
sweeps per cycle.
5.12 Protective cover
For extra protection for your Scuba during deployments in areas with boat traffic,
flooding, debris in the waterway, etc., you can use a protective cover.
A protective cover, which come in several diameters, is a PVC pipe with a locking,
sealed cap on the top end and water-passage slots at the bottom end.