Page 65
Remote on/off signal via software command
An open padlock is displayed at the bottom right of
the display.
If the EFOY receives a software signal via SIO com-
mand REMOTE ON or via Modbus address 41030,
"RC" (Remote Control) is displayed at the bottom
right of the display. The EFOY Pro will starting
charging, regardless of the switch-on voltage and
charge the batteries until the set switch-off param-
eters are reached.
The signal only has to be sent once. The EFOY Pro
will complete a charging cycle and switch off if the
set switch-off parameters have been reached.
After the charging cycle the EFOY Pro will switch
again into automatic mode.
In the case of a software command, the charging
cycle can be stopped by sending the SIO command
REMOTE OFF or via Modbus address 41030.
The EFOY Pro can be set into Hybrid mode by a voltage signal or a software
control. In this operation mode all parameters are disabled, like switch-on
voltage or battery protection. Only the frost protection mode is an excep-
tion, this will remain enabled.
The "External control" operating mode must be enabled (see chapter 5.5.4
External control, page 63).
The hybrid mode must be separately activated.
Activation via voltage signal:
Connect Pin 4 (GND, Ground) or the negative bat-
tery pole with Pin 8 (Hybrid)
Activation via software control: