6. Installation
The installation space should have a minimum size of
510 x 350 x 300 mm (L x W x H).
In closed chambers please provide an opening with an
opening cross section of at least 10 cm or 40 cm
for the
air intake - at structured openings (fine grid, narrow
gap) accordingly more.
Use the off-heat duct to conduct the off-heat out of the
installation space.
The air openings of the installation space need to be
protected against the penetration of water and
A forced ventilation of the installation space is required
to prevent heat accumulation. This can be done with
additional openings or an additional temperature
controlled ventilator.
Install only in upright position.
Make sure that the device does not exceed the
maximum inclination.
Inclination along the direct axis: 35° (temporary 45°)
Inclination along the quadrature axis: 20° max.
All electrical connections, the fill opening for service
fluid and the fuel cartridge should be easily accessible.
Make sure that the fuel cartridge is located within
reach of the connecting hose (70 cm) and that the hose
is neither kinked nor crushed.