General Notes
2.5 Safety instructions
2.5.1 Appropriate use
The universal fault annunciator USM is intended for use according to the applications described in this
manual only and may only be used according to the conditions as described in the section
”. Every use that exceeds the appropriate use or unauthorized use is considered as
incorrect use.
2.5.2 Storage of the manual
2.6 Customer service
For further technical information please consult our customer service:
Elektra Elektronik GmbH & Co Störcontroller KG
Hummelbühl 7-7/1
71522 Backnang/Germany
+ 49 (0) 7191/182-0
+49 (0) 7191/182-200
Furthermore, we are looking forward to receiving feedback and experiences which result from the
application and are useful for the improvement of our products.
2.7 Copyright, trademark rights, GNU licenses
The copyrights for this manual are reserved.
The surrender of this manual to third parties, reproduction in every type or form including extraction of
contents are not tolerable without written permission from Elektra Elektronik GmbH & Co.
Störcontroller KG (in the following “manufacturer”), except for internal purposes. Any violations oblige
for compensation. The manufacturer reserves the right for additional titles.
The copyrights are reserved for the manufacturer.
© Elektra Elektronik GmbH & Co Störcontroller KG 2021
Hazard of incorrect use!
Incorrect use of the annunciator can lead to hazardous situations.
Never use the annunciator in EX-areas.
Never use equipment in areas where there is a risk of interference without
observing the special regulations for this.
The devices must not be opened or improperly modified.
The manual must be stored nearby the annunciator and must be accessible for the