Parameterization Submenu Serial
This menu is used to set the serial interface on the two possible interface cards.
The following parameters can be set for both possible interfaces:
Baud rate - 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 Baud
Parity - none, even, odd
The serial interface on the 2nd interface card terminal X96 can be switched between RS232 and
RS485. Submenu Firmware
If a firmware update is required for the USM, the respective firmware file can be uploaded into the
device on this page. Submenu Licences
The USM provides communication through the protocol IEC 60870-5-101/104 by default. Optionally
the annunciator can provide communication through IEC 61850. For this communication a software
licence is required. If the licence has not already been installed by EES, the license file can be
installed from this page after being provided by EES.