6-1 Functional Description
The E8204 Relay Interface Cabinet is an auxiliary
Trendsetter™ component used to buffer and
amplify the limit light outputs of the E8001,
E8011, E8014 and E8024 modules.The need fre-
quently arises where these outputs must be inter-
faced to relays, machine controls, external lamps,
etc. The relay interface cabinet receives the sta-
tus of these outputs, decodes the status, dis-
plays the status with its own three limit light dis-
play and then drivers operate power relays within
the cabinet. The contacts associated with the
power relays are brought out to a user’s connec-
tor for ease of interfacing to external equipment.
Front Panel Features
Power On indicator lamp
Over, Good and Reject indicator lamps
Reset push button
Power Requirements
120 VAC (240 VAC optional)