3-4 Functional Description
The E8011 module compares four precalibrated setpoints against a lower bay signal and sorts the
signal into five classes. The five classes are defined as follows:
1. Over — input signal is greater than high limit.
2. Approach — input signal is between
good and high limits.
3. Good — input signal is between approach limits.
4. Approach — input signal is between good
and under limits.
5. Under — input signal is less than under limit.
Logical outputs representing the status of the
limit lights are connected to the 25 pin I/O buss.
High, low, approach setpoints are located on the front panel and
adjusted with a screwdriver. To calibrate a setpoint, select the
desired setpoint using the mode switch. With a small screwdriver
adjust the associated 22 turn pot. The bargraph display will indi-
cate the position of the setpoint.
To ensure a successful operation: the low setpoint must be less
than the low approach setpoint, the low approach setpoint must be less than the upper approach
setpoint, the upper approach setpoint must be less than the high setpoint.
Mode Switch
The front panel mode switch has six positions.
1. Cal. Low - see above
2. Cal. Low approach - see above
3. Cal. Upper approach - see above
4. Cal. High - see above
5. Man. Run - This the most frequently used position of the mode switch. When used in this posi-
tion, the limit lights follow the instantaneous value of the lower bay module. This position dis-
ables the remote interface.
6. Auto Run - This position of the mode switch is used in conjunction with semiautomatic gage
Remote Interface — Two user control lines present on the I/O connectors located on the rear
panel of the Trendsetter™ mainframe, allow an external controller to com-
mand four special operating modes. These modes are as follows:
1. Reset — All latches cleared, limit lights and logical outputs off.
2. Follow — Same as manual run. Limit lights and logic outputs follow the input signal.