3-1 Functional Description - Rev. D.
The E8000 Main Frame Assembly is the focal
point for the various plug in modules associated
with the Trendsetter™ system.
The Main Frame provides mechanical support,
interface wiring, I/O connections, power supplies
and a bargraph readout.The Main Frame mea-
sures 21.25” high, 2.50” wide, 9.00” deep.
Cabinet construction is aluminum.
An internal power supply gen/- 15 VDC
regulated at +/- 1 AMP, and + 5 VDC at 3.0
amps. These voltages drive the display board
electronics, and any combination of plug in
The power supply is of the universal type, in that
it automatically adjusts to any line voltage from
100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hertz.
Power consumption is 35 watts maximum. 15
watts is more typical and will drive a full compli-
ment of plug in modules.
A 10 inch, 101 point bargraph display is the pri-
mary means of readout. The 101 points give a
readable resolution of 1%. Digital scale readouts
are placed alongside the bargraph display for
ease of interpreting scales. Range switches on
various modules, have encoding logic which
supplies range information to a numeric display
Additionally a 10 position dip switch, located
inside the rear panel and adjacent to the I/O
connectors, provides a simple means for
enabling any lower bay high level output signal
to reach the 10 line analog buss. The dip switch
numbers correspond to user programmable lines
Upper Bay Modules
If the gage is to be used without an upper mod-
ule, a jumper must be installed from pin 13 to pin
15 on the upper 15 pin socket. However, if a
module is to be installed, check that the jumper
is removed