utilized during gage setup and calibration operations.
2. +Peak — When in this mode, the module will store and display the most positive instan-
taneous value presented to its input.
3. -Peak — When in this mode the module will store and display the most negative instan-
taneous value presented to its input.
4. Average — When in this mode, the module will store and display the average value of
the signals presented to its input.
5. TIR — When switched to the TIR mode, the module will store both the “+” and “-” peaks.
The two peaks are then algebraically summed together and displayed as TIR on the bar-
graph. A logic signal is also transmitted to the E8000 mainframe which calls out a special
zero bottom TIR scale.
Zero Control Potentiometer
The zero control is active during the TIR mode only. Its purpose is for repositioning the bargraph
display to its new TIR “Zero” which has been electronically shifted to the bottom of the scale.
Hold Push Button
When activated, the hold push button will latch a peak or TIR signal into memory. The hold mode is
indicated by the yellow LED above the hold push button. This feature is disabled in the bypass
Reset Pushbutton
Depressing the reset push button clears the module memory of all information and resets the hold
mode logic.
Setting the E8024 Module Zero
Connect the Trendsetter™ column to the gaging fixture. Turn the mode switch to the “Bypass”
mode. Using the max and min masters, set the magnification and zero as previously described.
Install one of the masters in the gage fixture so that the bargraph is on scale. Rotate the Mode
Switch to the TIR position. The bargraph scale “Zero” will automatically move to the bottom posi-
tion. This will allow for maximum scale utilization as the reading of TIR by definition cannot be neg-
ative. Push the Reset Push Button to clear the memory of the module. Insert a small blade screw-
driver into the Zero Control Potentiometer and rotate it to set the scale to the desired start point.
The start point is the point to which the display will return upon pushing the Reset Push Button, and
also the starting point from which the TIR reading is taken. The start point is normally set to zero,
but can be set to any point on the scale as desired.
In operation, as the signal can start anywhere on the part, the positive signal will drive the bargraph
display upwards. Any negative signals are inverted and also displayed as a positive signal. Thus the
bargraph display will always move up from the set point and will stop at the highest point.
Setting The E8024 Limit Lights
Rotate the Mode Switch to the “Bypass” mode. Install the maximum master in the gage fixture.
Rotate the zero knob on the lower signal conditioning module until the bargraph displays the maxi-
mum limit point. Insert a small blade screwdriver into the Hi Set Potentiometer and rotate it until the
Red limit light is lit. Install the minimum master in the gage fixture. Rotate the zero knob on the
lower signal conditioning module until the bargraph displays the minimum limit point. Insert a small
blade screwdriver into the Lo Set Potentiometer and rotate it until the Amber limit light is lit.