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The EDAC 222-02 is a cost-effective, auto reporting dialler designed for domestic and small-
business security monitoring, or for general purpose monitoring. The EDAC 222-02 is an effective
tool for alerting the user to events such as faults or changes in equipment state. It is physically
compact, consumes little power and can be installed very quickly. Its ease of programming
combined with simple installation make it highly attractive and cost effective in monitoring
The EDAC 222-02 is activated by a contact closure, or opening, which results in the start of a user
defined dialling sequence, followed by the transmission of either an 8-second voice message or 20
character pager message.
When an event triggers the auto-dialler, the EDAC 222-02 will make an alarm notification call. The
EDAC 222-02 will pick up the phone line and call a list of people via telephone, cell phone or
pager. The EDAC 222-02 speaks a pre-recorded voice message announcing the problem.
Upon receipt of an alarm call you may reset the EDAC 222-02 by simply pressing a numeric digit
on your telephone keypad or by entering a user-defined PIN number. This will stop the unit making
further alarm notification calls. Alternatively, the EDAC 222-02 may be interrogated by calling into it
and listening to the voice message. This provides the opportunity to cancel/acknowledge the alarm
Inputs via the telephone keypad. This option would normally be used when the EDAC 222-02 is
operating in conjunction with a pager.
Once the EDAC 222-02 is in a cancelled state, it will suspend its dialling sequence and remain
cancelled until the event that triggered the alarm has been removed (cleared). If the EDAC 222-02
does not receive acknowledgment of an alarm, it will remain in dialling mode until the event that
triggered the alarm is cleared, or the user-defined call count limit is reached.
All telephone numbers, messages, and functions are user programmable via a keypad and a single
character display.
The EDAC 222-02 has numerous programmable features that enable it to be a flexible telemetry
monitoring tool suitable for use in any situation. If you require information about the EDAC 222-02
and how it can be used with your monitoring application, please contact your supplier. For online
manuals for all EDAC products, use the EDAC web site