If an air conditioning evapora-
tor coil drain is to share the furnace drain line,
it should be connected with a tee fitting down-
stream from the trap. Do not connect the evapo-
rator coil condensate drain upstream of the fur-
nace drain trap assembly.
Some local codes may require the use of a conden-
sate neutralizer. If the furnace condensate is to be
routed to a septic system, it may be advisable to
use a condensate neutralizer.
Condensate neutralizers such as the
Ward Indus-
tries 90+ Neutralizer
are available through heating
supply wholesalers.
When condensate neutralizers are used, it is ad-
visable to install it with an overflow bypass tube.
(Figure 27)
The condensate drain trap as-
sembly should be full of water before starting
the furnace. To fill the condensate drain trap as-
sembly, temporarily remove the vent drain hose
from the induced blower assembly elbow/drain
fitting, and pour approximately one cup of water
down the hose. Water will begin running out the
condensate drain trap outlet when it is full. Re-
fasten the vent drain hose to the induced blower
assembly elbow/drain fitting
The condensate drainage configuration requires a
vent. It takes less than a one inch rise anywhere
along the horizontal route of the drain tube to cre-
ate a vapor lock, which will prevent condensate
from draining away freely, and result in erratic fur-
nace operation.
A typical configuration would be to cement the side
branch of a ½” CPVC tee to the drain trap assem-
bly outlet, with the end branches oriented vertically.
(Figure 27)
A 1” piece of ½” CPVC pipe cemented to the up-
per end branch will serve as a vent, which will pre-
vent the creation of a vapor lock, and serve as an
overflow in the event that the drain line becomes
blocked. A similarly sized piece of pipe cemented
to the lower end branch will permit connection to
the condensate outlet with ⅝” ID / ⅞” OD flexible
tubing, or the condensate may be piped entirely in
CPVC to the floor drain/sump/condensate pump.