Installation and User Manual. Version V03.B03_EN (23/09/2015)
DHW Mode. Whenever DHW is demanded, the heat pump delivers hot water into the DHW inter-buffer
heating coil through the 3-way valve for heating/DHW until the preset value temperature is reached. The
heat pump always gives priority to DHW supply over other demands.
HEATING Mode. The heat pump satisfies the heat demand in the buffer tank. The supply temperature
desired is set by the desired temperature value selected through the HEATING menu. Thus, the heat
pump optimizes its energy efficiency and a uniform temperature in the buffer tank is reached.
LEGIONELLA PROTECTION Mode. If the LEGIONELLA PROTECTION mode is enabled, one a week,
on the date and time set, the electric heater placed in the DHW tank will be activated to increase its
temperature up to 70 ºC in order to avoid legionella contamination.
In addition to the own control equipments of the heat pump, it is necessary the installation of the following
components (see section 7).
A temperature probe for the buffer tank. Supplied with the heat pump.
A temperature probe for outdoor temperature. Supplied with the heat pump.