Thank you for choosing our
VEO-XTI1C & VEO-XRI1C H.264 Full HD over IP Video
. It is very important to carefully read this manual and to fully understand its
contents before making any connection in order to maximize your use and get the best
performance from this equipment.
To ensure optimal operation of this device, we strongly recommend that its maintenance
be carried out by our authorised Technical Services.
kit comes with a 3-year warranty.
VEO-XTI1C encoder and VEO-XRI1C decoder are H.264 over IP extenders that allow
HDMI video distribution via local Ethernet network. This represents a very flexible,
expandable and cost-effective video distribution solution without the need of a
dedicated video cabling system. Encoder and decoder support 120m over single
Cat5e/6 cable in a point-to-point topology, or standard 100m Ethernet connection in
point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint over standard Ethernet switch. The
over IP solutions are widely suitable for various applications such as meeting rooms,
classrooms, commercial and residential AV systems, Digital Signage systems, medical
information systems, transportation and mall advertisement.
Supports point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint
Up to 120m over single Cat5e/6 cable in point-to-point connection, with 1x
looping HDMI output for daisy chaining
TCP/IP protocol compliant with selectable streaming bit rate up to 15Mbps per
H.264 compression encoding that supports resolution up to 1080p@60hz.
HDCP Compliant
IR Remote control, with LED display to show Group ID. Fully operating just out of
the box without need of PC connection
Integrated web server for configuration, PC tool control and Telnet control.
Supports LPCM audio format
Wide-band IR pass-through for source control (38khz to 56khz)