3. If you are using bags reduced in size by other seals, check all seals for leaks. A fold on the bag at the seal
seam may cause leakage. If there is a fold at the seal, cut it off and reseal the bag.
4. Do not create your own side seams on the special bags for vacuum sealers. They are made with special
side seams that are sealed to the outer edge. Creating your own side seams can cause leakage and loss of
vacuum in the bag.
5. Do not vacuum package hot foods; after cooling, their volume may decrease due to thermal expansion
and the packaging will then appear to lose vacuum.
6. Place fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator immediately after vacuum packaging, otherwise there is
a risk that continued photosynthesis will produce additional air and cause vacuum loss in the bag.
7. Do not vacuum package fermented foods.
Fermented foods are not suitable for vacuum packaging because they release air.
Vacuum in vacuum packaged and sealed bag has been lost:
1. Check the entire bag for leaks. A fold on the bag at the seal seam may cause leakage. If there is a fold at the
seal, simply cut the seal off and reseal the bag.
2. In some cases, proper vacuum packaging and sealing can be complicated by the presence of liquids or
other parts of food (such as juice, sauce, crumbs, grease, etc.). Cut the seal, clean the open end of the bag
and vacuum and reseal the bag.
3. A sharp edge or pointed portion of food may pierce the bag. Use a new bag in such case. Wrap the sharp
edges of the food with a suitable soft material, such as a paper towel.
4. If air appears in the bag, the food may have fermented or released gas. If this happens, the food may be
spoiled and should be disposed of.
The bag melts:
If the bag has melted at the seal seam, the rubber strip is probably too hot. Allow the device to cool for at least
5 minutes with the lid open before using it again.
In the refrigerator (5 ±3 °C)
Without vacuum
Vacuum sealer bags
Red meat
3–4 days
8–9 days
White meat
2–3 days
6–8 days
1–3 days
4–5 days
Cooked meat
3–5 days
10–15 days
Soft cheese
5–7 days
20 days
Hard / semi-hard cheese
1–5 days
60 days
5–7 days
14–20 days
1–3 days
7–10 days
2–3 days
8–10 days
Cooked pasta / rice
2–3 days
6–8 days
Cream desserts
2–3 days
8 days
Room temperature (25 ±2°C)
Without vacuum
Vacuum sealer bags
Fresh bread
1–2 days
8–10 days
4–6 months
12 months
Uncooked pasta / rice
5–6 months
12 months